Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This was the view from the bottom of the stairs that connected the beach and the hotel that Taelin and I stayed in this weekend.  As I crouched down next to Taelin to get an idea of what that would look like to her she said, "That's a long way Mama."  I snapped this picture right before we started climb and was determined that she would be able to do it herself, even when (maybe even especially when) it got hard.

She got tired about three-fourths up and wanted me to carry her but I told her that she could make it and we could stop if we needed to.  I told her that I knew she would be able to make it to the stop.  We rested for a few seconds and she looked back up at the rest of them and started to climb without saying anything.  She stopped every couple of stairs towards the end, every time looking at how much further she had to go before starting up again.  She made it all the way to the top.  All by herself.  

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another. 
 ~Walter Elliott

Monday, May 28, 2012

"There is a choice you make in everything you do. In the end, the choice you make, makes you." ~Author Unknown

I have come to be a pretty big believer in choice.  We makes choices everyday, all day long.  Some choices are easier than others and some impact ourselves and others in different ways.  But I really want to believe I have some control over my life and I think that is where choices come in.  I feel like I have made some very specific choices over the past few years in order to live the life, personally and professionally, that I would like to be the kind of wife and mother I want to be.  I think, for the most part, I am fairly satisfied with my choices.  There are some things that I might have done differently given the chance again, but I don't really have any regrets. 

It has actually gotten easier to make choices in some ways. For example, choices regarding my time are getting much easier to make.  I have done such a better job of saying "No." I have convinced myself that "No." is a complete sentence.  I have done a better job of keeping my ideas for something manageable instead of a grand plan that later leaves me cursing myself out at 2 a.m.  Even though I want a clean and organized house, I will sit down and play tea party every time it is asked.  I don't get time back and I try to choose wisely how I use it. It isn't always easy, but I feel like I am getting a handle on it.

Even things like external experiences are getting easier to manage by keeping the idea of choice in mind.  Take my recent car accident for example.  It was horrible and it was scary.  I didn't leave my house that morning choosing to collide with a 14 year old boy on a skateboard.  If there could have been any choice to make that would have resulted in me not having that experience, I would have made it...but there wasn't.  I was certainly upset that day and even since then I am much more nervous when I am driving but I am not ranting and raving or carrying on about it everyday letting it affect me still.  A thing, of which I had no control over, happened and now I am choosing the manner in which I want to deal with it all.  Not always easy, but I can make sense of it.

BUT, (you did know there would be a "but", didn't you?) there are still times where the choices aren't all that easy to make.  Most of the time, those hard choices involve how I am going to react to other people's choices.  Not a stranger's choice, like the young skateboarder from a couple of weeks ago, but those people close to me.  The people who I love, who with their actions or words, force me into a situation where a hard choice has to be made.  Often times, my choice to other's behavior or words could seem selfish or hurtful.  I know that I don't make a choice for the sole purpose of trying to hurt someone, but I suppose there could be some truth to the selfish part, if I am really honest with myself.  There is a need I have to protect Taelin, Joe and myself, our little family unit, and I will...without apology.

Maybe it isn't so much the choice that is hard to make, but rather the fallout from the choice.  I don't really like confrontation...dealing with other people's anger is something I would rather avoid.  I don't like seeing people sad or hurt.  And I certainly don't like any of those things as a result of something I choose.  But yet, I find myself there.  Making choices I know are going to be hard for others to understand.  Making choices I know are going to make them angry and hurt and sad.  Making choices that are not the ones they would hope I would make.  And I guess thinking about those reactions, is what can make a choice hard for me to make...but  it shouldn't stop me from making the right choice for myself or my family.

So, I guess from that just comes more choices.  A sort of life dominoes game...a series of reactions set into motion by the choices we and the people around us make.  

Life is the sum of all your choices.  ~Albert Camus 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Photo-A-Day May 18-24

Week Two of Photo-A-Day and I am feeling pretty good about it!  One more week and I think I will be farther than any of the other times I have tried it.  Having the accountability of posted to the Facebook group is helping for sure!

Here are this week's pictures....

may 18 2012

may 19 2012

may 20 2012

may 21 2012

may 22 2012

may 23 2012

may 24 2012
I am struggling a little bit with the difference in some of the days.  Some days I feel like I just am capturing a picture of some ordinary part of my day (like the picture of my computer screen showing my most visited websites or the dog in the tub licking the shower door after rolling in what we think was a slug).  Other days, I feel like I can really take some time to think about what I am going to take a picture of and trying different compositions or playing with the settings on my camera.  To me, there is a clear difference in the kind of picture that is produced.

The matchy-matchy party of my personality is having a hard time because there is clearly some mismatching going on with the two groups of pictures.  Maybe it is okay that the pictures have some variance?  I don't know...I guess I will see what another week brings.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

#13 irony and #36 yellow

#13 irony...insisting on combing the hair of her
My Little Pony while having extremely tangled hair
which she refused to comb or let be combed
#36 yellow

Monday, May 21, 2012

openhearted: candidly straightforward

This past Sunday, I was so lucky to spend a few hours with two beautiful women. Our plan was a simple one...a bookstore and lunch with a side-trip for a school errand.  We executed our plan with only a few extra trips around some downtown Portland blocks.  What was unexpected, however, was the wonderful feeling I would have afterwards.  Not from the books I found or the AMAZING pasta dish I had at California Pizza Kitchen (although those were both great), but from the incredibly honest and raw conversation we shared.  

I feel very lucky and grateful for the safety in the conversation in both what I shared and what was shared with me.  

(and because I am two words behind here...a few words that easily fit as well)

bonhomie: good-natured easy friendliness

comity: friendly social atmosphere

Garden Update...growing seeds!!!

I have to admit my surprise when I went out to water my raised beds and saw that there were actually plants growing where I had planted seeds!  I know that is kind of the whole point of planting seeds, but I have already been upfront about my lack of success when it comes to growing things.

There are still a few things that haven't popped up yet and there are some brown spots on the leaves on my tomato plants but I am still feeling pretty good about this virgin voyage. My mother-in-law has been in town for the past few days and has given me some tips that when I get another sunny day I will try and take care of.

Here are a few pictures!

Radishes that need to be thinned out.  

A few lettuce leaves poking up...

Green beans!  

Still no spinach or carrots.....  Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Photo-a-Day May 11-17

may 11 2012

may 12 2012

may 13 2012

may 14 2012

may 15 2012

may 16 2012

may 17 2012

First week of something-a-day was a success...if by success I mean that I took a picture for everyday.  I don't know they there aren't the greatest pictures in the world but I started and I think sometimes that is the hardest part.  Using my camera phone for may 12th and may 15th shows, I think, in terms of quality so I am going to have to do some thinking about that.  Some of the pictures, like may 17 have a story that I would like to tell but I can't quite figure out it something like that would fit.  

Regardless, can tell this project is going to be good for me.  Finding something to take a picture was not hard for me but I do have to say that I was thinking about composition a little more.  Light is a huge problem of my... particularly with my camera phone.  

Some of my pictures I tried to craft as carefully as I know how, which is to say not all that impressive.  There were times that I could use my nicer camera and fiddle with the settings.  And then other times that I just wanted to capture the moment and be on with my day...that was when I used my camera phone.  

Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf. ~Jonatan MÃ¥rtensson

Tuesday morning I got up early and exercised before hopping in the shower.  After a quick shower, I finished getting ready (changing what pants I was wearing twice) and packed my lunch.  I filled up a sippy cup that I knew Taelin would want once I woke her up and sat next to her bed like I do every work morning as she wakes up, talking to her about the day and what she hoped she got to do at school.

I finally coaxed her out of bed and helped her get dressed.  We brushed her teeth and combed her hair.  She decided at the last second that she didn't want ponytails and only wanted clips which was fine by me since they didn't take as long and I had a staff meeting first thing at work.  I packed up her bag for school with her sheet and blanket for nap time, threw my phone and wallet into my bag and got into the car.  Taelin insisted (again) to climb into the car herself and get herself into her car seat.  That has been happening more lately because she is getting so independent and she usually doesn't bang her head or leg when she gets into my itty-bitty car.

We got buckled in and started off to our familiar route to her school.  We were on time, even a little ahead of schedule, as we turned the corner and headed up the hill.  I stopped at the stop sign at the top of the hill and turned left, heading down the road towards another hill.  As I came up the road I noticed that there wasn't a car at the stop sign at the side street I was approaching.  And then, all of the sudden...even faster than all of the sudden if there is such a thing...I saw a kid in the middle of the road jumping off his skateboard.  I slammed on my brakes as he landed with the top half of his body on top of the hood of my car.  He rolled/bounced like a rag doll across the hood off onto the other side of the road and down into the ditch filled with blackberries bushes.  It happened within 2 seconds and I doubt the image will ever leave my head.

I don't remember throwing my car into park or even what I said.  I grabbed my phone out of my bag that had fallen to the floor and jumped out of my car to find him twisted up, alert and screaming in pain.  I don't remember dialing or even what I said to the 911 operator.  The boy somehow was present enough to call his dad who came running down the street not a minute later.  He kept saying he was fine and he need to get up and all I remember saying is, "Don't move.  You can't move.  Wait until they get here."

The police showed up...then the fire truck...and then the ambulance...and then more police.  I got my car out of the middle of the road and just stood there as everyone tried to get him up and out safely.  He was crying and kept saying he was sorry and that it was all his fault.  He said he needed to get up because he had lacrosse later.   I answered whatever questions I was asked by the multiple police officers and then finally called Joe to come and get Taelin.  She had missed the whole thing and was wondering why we weren't going to school.  I will be forever grateful that she missed it.

I was crying and beyond shaken up and then I saw the dad walking over to me.  I braced myself for what I imagined was going to be the most angry parent I had ever come into contact with.  I braced myself to just take it.  It wasn't my fault, the police later came to the same conclusion, but somehow it didn't matter at the time. His son was hurt, really hurt, and I couldn't imagine how he was feeling.  And then...there was no yelling.  He came over and asked me if I was okay.  He told me that it was just an accident, that they happen and that he just the other day ran into someone coming out of parking lot.  He gave me his business card and told me to call later if I wanted an update on how his son was doing.  He walked back over to watch the paramedics help his son.

At some point, his mom showed up.  "Ok, here it comes," I thought to myself.  I wasn't sobbing uncontrollable, but I was crying.  She came over and without saying anything hugged me first and then said, "It's okay.  It isn't your fault.  It is not your fault."  What?  Seriously?  She then told me how she once hit a bicyclist and knows exactly how I was feeling.  What?  Really?  She walked away and they got into the ambulance and off they went.

I finished talking to the officers and the one that was doing the paperwork said that I was not at fault but that I did need to file a report with the DMV.  I headed home and then to work, pretty much in a daze.  Later in the day I called and left a message with the boy's dad which was returned by what I found out later was his step-mom.  She updated me throughout the day about his surgery (he had a broken femur) and then again apologized and reminded me that it wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault; I know that...but I feel horrible.  Absolutely horrible.  What if I had just done one thing differently yesterday morning?  What if I hadn't changed my pants or what if Taelin had wanted pigtails?  What if I had decided to shave my legs in the shower or talked to Taelin and little more or less as she was waking up?  What if I had been driving a bigger car?  What if?  What if?  What if?  I can't turn my brain off.  I clearly didn't wake up Tuesday morning intending for this to happen.  But I still feel horrible.

There are a lot of things that are just shocking about this whole thing.  He is going to be ok.  He actually called me tonight to apologize for running into me.  He sounded so tired.  He is home with four screws in his leg and his step-mom says he will probably be back to school on Monday which seems incredible.  He said he was sorry my car got damaged and that I got drug into the whole thing.  I kept apologizing back.  It isn't like he left his house in the morning intending to run into my car.  It wasn't my fault but I am still so sorry it happened.  What a hard lesson.  What a painful lesson.

And my lesson? While I am sure that there are many things that I can't even imagine yet, one lesson I am astounded by is the lesson in incredible grace.  Every time I retell the story (out loud or in my head) or talk to his step-mom, I am blown away and the calmness and grace that his parents have had.  It has to be a complete day from hell. A parent's worst nightmare. I can't really describe it...I am just in awe because it seems so far from what I would (and did) expect.

I have been completely consumed by the feelings these last two days. Guilt, fear, worry, anxiety...more guilt.  I have been all over the place and while I feel better today than I did yesterday, I think it will be awhile before I even out.  I keep replaying it over and over in my mind, wondering if there was something different I could have done...not that it matters.  I get caught up in the "what if's?" and get sick to my stomach.  I am feeling everything so much more right now because of this...lots of things that have nothing to do with the accident.  And at the same time, things that would have seemed like a big deal are so not a big deal to me.  It is going to take some time as the feelings come and go.  I am easily irritated, overly sensitive and have little patience for pettiness...not exactly a flattering description, I know, but it is an honest one.

I am trying to understand how to navigate all of these feelings and remember that while there isn't anything I can do to change what has happened, I can choose what to do with each feeling as it comes.  I am sure I will continue to think, talk and write about this accident.  I don't know how much will be done here versus with good friends or even just in my head.  I can only hope that this young boy and his family can ride through all the emotions they are bound to be feeling too.  It is just all a little overwhelming.

If you made it all the way to the end here with me, thank you.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sookie Stackhouse...#10, #11, #12 by Charlaine Harris

With the addition of these three books, in such a short amount of time I am completely admitting a guilty pleasure that I will not apologize for no matter how much you may try.  These books are ridiculous...and I LOVE THEM!  My IQ is no better off than when I started these and it might even be worse off.  I don't care...I LOVE THEM! For those that might be with me...I am totally Team Eric.  I would try to summarize for you but there wouldn't really be any point in me trying.  I don't actually remember any real details...just the major events and they would be MAJOR spoilers if you wanted to end up going back and starting from the beginning.

I do love a good fiction book with depth that will leave me thinking or a fascinating memoir of an ordinary person whose story is anything but ordinary ...but I also love books with hot vampires with one-liners. I have read every single book in this series and will admit that there are some that are better than others, but when the final of the series comes out in May 2013...yes, I have to wait a whole year, I can promise you that the book will be started and finished within the same 48 hours....if it even takes me that long.
What's up next?  I am not sure...but it had better be good.  I can't even tell you the number of miles I logged in on my exercise bikes reading these three books and I would hate to have to stop exercising because I can't find good book.  And yes, the definition of "good" book in this case might be different than in other books I have read.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day...not always warm and fuzzy

Mother's Day has become a tricky day for me.  I am lucky that I am a mom to a wonderful little girl that brings more into my life than I could have ever imagined.  She was very much wanted and is very much loved...even on the really hard days.  But, I didn't always feel so lucky....and that was only magnified on a day like Mother's Day.

It feels like a long time ago that Joe and I were struggled to start our family but I won't ever forget how helpless and sad that journey was.  Some days were harder than others...Mother's Day was one of the hardest.  Like I needed another reminder that I wasn't yet a mother.  So, now that I am a mother it is kind of hard to celebrate this day when I know so many others are doing anything but.  They are going to avoid logging onto Facebook to see all the Mother's Day posts.  They may avoid going to church.  Or, they may have to suck it up, knowing that later on there is a shower with their name on it where they can cry all they need to.

Hallmark has made motherhood seem like a certain kind thing although, it is rarely that simple.  Tomorrow is going to be a very hard day for some people that are near and dear to my heart.  I found this poem on the internet that I think is very fitting...  I wish it had the poets name and I wish that I could remember where I got it so I could give it credit.

To those who gave birth this year to their first child—we celebrate with you
To those who lost a child this year – we mourn with you
To those who are in the trenches with little ones every day and wear the badge of food stains – we appreciate you
To those who experienced loss this year through miscarriage, failed adoptions, or running away—we mourn with you
To those who walk the hard path of infertility, fraught with pokes, prods, tears, and disappointment – we walk with you. Forgive us when we say foolish things. We don’t mean to make this harder than it is.
To those who are foster moms, mentor moms, and spiritual moms – we need you
To those who have warm and close relationships with your children – we celebrate with you
To those who have disappointment, heart ache, and distance with your children – we sit with you
To those who lost their mothers this year – we grieve with you
To those who experienced abuse at the hands of your own mother – we acknowledge your experience
To those who lived through driving tests, medical tests, and the overall testing of motherhood – we are better for having you in our midst
To those who will have emptier nests in the upcoming year – we grieve and rejoice with you
And to those who are pregnant with new life, both expected and surprising –we anticipate with you
This Mother’s Day, we walk with you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart and we have real warriors in our midst. We remember you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Garden is Officially Started! is official!  There are plants in the garden!  I must have been thinking about my track record with plants when I made this goal because I all I said I was going to do was "start" a garden.  Nothing about keeping the plants alive or actually getting the fruits of my labor was included.  I certainly don't want to jinx anything, but if I am honest my track record of keeping plant-like things alive isn't stellar.  

Here are a few pictures of what Taelin and I did this past weekend!  I will be showing progress periodically as they hopefully grow.  I did verve off the plan a little bit but I think what we have will still work.  Stay tuned!  

There are seven tomato plants in here (3 cherry and 4 Roma), 2 red peppers, 2 rows of radishes and 2 peas plants.

We actually are going to try and start some radishes from seed.  I still need to put in something for the peas to climb.

The second box has another 3 tomato plants (Better Boy) and then quite a few seeds.

A couple of rows of lettuce, spinach, and carrots lie under the chicken wire that will hopefully keep the dog and cat out of here.  Also, there are several bush beans that will hopefully yield in some deliciousness come late summer!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

cachinnate: to laugh loudly or immoderately

It is funny for me to think about how someone has the laugh they have.  I will admit that this is a rather odd thing to think about until I tell you that I think Taelin is starting to settle into a bit of her own laugh.  She has several different kinds of laughs, which I guess everyone does but the other day she cracked herself up.  I think she does funny things all the time, but I am her mother and I am supposed to think that.  She has said in the past  how she thinks things are silly and will kind of smile and giggle a little about it.  She laughs all the time at things Joe does...and he eats it up.

But the other day we pulled up to the house after being at the grocery story and she yelled, "Hi Home!  Happy Birthday!"  She sat for about 2 seconds after she said it and then she lost it.  She laughed and her whole body shook.  She tried to say the same thing over a couple of times but couldn't get through because she started to laugh.  I couldn't help but laugh too, not because of what she said (because honestly that pretty much just confused me) but because I she had found so much joy in what she had just said.  

I watched, as for the first time, she laughed so hard that her eyes started to water and fall down her cheek.  It was so incredibly adorable and I feel so lucky that I got to be a witness to what I hope are many, many moments to come.

blithe: of a happy lighthearted character or disposition