Thursday, April 18, 2013

Photo A Day April 4-16

I am less than a month away from having a photo a day for a year!  I am trying to decide how I want to put them all together and I am thinking that Shutterfly might have a good option!

But before I just too far ahead of are some photos from the last couple of weeks!

april 4, 2013
two bags of too small clothes from Taelin's closet  

april 4, 2013
I don't know if I love the flowers or the pot more...but I bought them both!
Next fall I will actually plant my own bulbs

april 5, 2013
bubble machine

april 6, 2013
"Can I use the cookie cutters like stamps?"
 Why yes you can....

april 7, 2013 
april 8, 2013
I was being a smart ass and sent this picture via text to one of my teachers
who cancelled our meeting because of another meeting.
She said she always loves to see my face.

april 9, 2013
I saw this poem in a classroom and thought of my sister's hand  when she was little.
I have a very vivid memory of the first time I held her
hand when we were kids and I realized it wasn't a little kid hand anymore.

april 10, 2013
My Scentsy starter kit!  Excited to be selling Scentsy!

april 11, 2013
this was a duel effort

april 13, 2013
I think the cat might be as long as she is tall...

april 14, 2013
to-do list

april 15, 2013
I should have listed "put laundry away" on the previous list.
 It might have been sitting here for a little bit...

april 16, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

If you are looking for a book that is more than a bit messed up, loaded with twists, hard to put down then this is your book.  It was a mystery that just keeps on giving with a seriously crazy ending.  It has been on my  to-read list for awhile and I decided to read it because there were so many reviews comparing my book club book to it.  I didn't really see the connection as much as other people did, but I am glad that I finally got the chance to pick it up and read it.

I really feel like I can't say too much or I will just give everything away!  It is a tad scary how well this author wrote from the two main character's point of view.   Nick and Amy have been married for 5 years and they find themselves in a place in life they wouldn't have guessed.  Amy goes missing the morning of their 5th anniversary and if I write any more than that I might let something slip I shouldn't!

Gillian Flynn has written two other books and the first thing I did after rating this book 4 out of 5 stars was add her other two books to my to-read list.  (That list grows faster than I can read.)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Dinner by Herman Koch

About a month ago I got an email from a good friend of mine asking if I would be interested in joining her book group.  I have always wanted to join a book group (I don't know why I didn't just start one on my own) and was super excited to find out they meet on a day and time that would work for me every six weeks.  They just picked their books out for the next year and all but one of the books is new!  (I am not counting The Great Gatsby which I read in high school.)

Anyway, the book that we are going to be meeting on in April is The Dinner by Herman Koch.

Let me say a couple of things about this book.  First of all, it started out slow.  I had to go back and read the description to remind myself why I was excited to read this book.  Second, it seriously made me sick to my stomach a couple of times.  Third, it reminded me of We Need To Talk About Kevin which is saying something if you have read that book.

The book takes place during one evening, although there is quite a bit of flashback to fill in the story, when two brothers and their wives meet for dinner to talk about an event regarding their sons.  This book has so many topics of conversation, I honestly am not sure that we will even be able to get to half of them when we meet.

Sibling relationships, husband/wife relationships, parent/child relationships and what we would do (or wouldn't do) to preserve and protect them are ideas that are still rattling around in my brain a week later.  My book group meets in a week, over dinner, and I can't wait to find out what other people thought of this book!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

I am currently sitting in a professional development session with principals and instructional coaches about how students can using writing as a reflection tool.  Just a few minutes ago I was told to sit and do a little writing about my experiences about writing. So...with that permission a new blog post was born as I think about that the majority of my writing is done on this or my work blog. (Sadly, I was only given two minutes so everything you read after this was done later.  Apparently they weren't kidding when they said to to a "little writing".)

When I think about writing the first thing I think of  is this little blog.  If you would have asked me 10 years ago if I was going to be writing on a fairly regular basis, and sharing it out with the world, I would have told you that you were high.  I wouldn't have considering myself a writer and I pretty much hated teaching it.  Now though, it is my favorite thing to teach (and help others teach) and "writer" it something I would consider calling myself.

And while this little exercise was supposed to be focused on how students can learn through writing, we just read a little essay by someone who outlined 5 things they have recently learned about life and the two topics meshed in my head and here we are.  Writing has been an incredible processing tool for me.  It makes me look at life differently and has provided me a way to think about what has happened to me and make sense of it.  So, in the spirit (kind of) of the original assignment, here are 3 things that I have recently learned because of writing I have done (or thought about doing).

1.  I need to trust my gut.  My mommy gut, in particular.  Taelin has been less than thrilled at preschool for several months.  I have written about it several times and it something that has been weighing heavily on my heart and mind.  Something happened this week that gave me the push to look for a new preschool for her next year.  I set up an appointment to take a tour of a different place and the relief I felt afterwards showed me that I finally did something that I had really wanted to do but was scared because of the possible confrontation switching schools presents.  I don't know if the one I am touring will be the one that we end up with, but I know now that I am heading in the right direction.

2.  Taking pictures makes me happy.  One of the things I have found great joy in, especially in the last year, is taking pictures.  It isn't so much the actually snapping of the pictures, although I do love thinking of the composition and viewpoint, but it what taking pictures has meant regarding how I spend my time.  I am taking at least one photo every single day and while I share one on here, I have so many more.  I look for the moments and try to capture them, knowing that they might very well never come again.  That awareness has helped me live in the moment to read one more story or sing one more song before bedtime.  I am not taking any pictures of my spotless kitchen floor or my perfectly folded laundry because it isn't important, so therefore don't exist.  So I am spending more time doing the important things, and capturing those things with a picture.  Both of them make me happy.

3. Time moves quickly.  People told me before Taelin was even born that the time would fly by.  "Fly" isn't even a fast enough word to describe it.  A couple of weeks can make such a difference in the way she looks and acts (thank you pictures...again), what she knows and how she learns.  Without wishing the time away, I am already thinking about how we can make the most of the upcoming summer.  She has a list of her own...she wants to go camping and kayaking.  She wants to bake 4 kinds of cookies (not 3, not 5, but 4 kinds), have picnics, go swimming, play t-ball and play at the park.  I want to do all those things and more so I am already planning.  Reserving campsites and scheduling swimming lessons but not filling up all the days so that a spontaneous mother/daughter day at the beach or a family hike up to Silver Creek Falls can happen too.  It feels like I am already looking at the August calendar and I just need to s-l-o-w it all down a little.  Every once and awhile something happens that reminds to stop and breath and it is usually when at the end of a day when I am sitting on the coach and writing and it seems like this has happened more than a few times recently.  I am so thankful for the reminder.

It seems like I haven't been blogging much lately and I was feeling guilty about it.  When I stopped to think of why that was I, realized it was because I was busy doing all the things I have listed on my blog (and a few that are not) and I stopped feeling guilty.  (No...really, I did!)

I have been reading up a storm, taking pictures, traveling with my family, working out and cooking new recipes, scrapbooking and hanging out with Taelin and so much more.  I was feeling really worried for awhile that I wasn't getting everything done on my list but I am honestly not worried at all.  But all the things I am doing, and the writing that I do manage to get done has fulfilled my life more than I could have ever imagined.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Photo A Day March 25-April 3

I am a very lucky lady.  I think that at least once a day but as I look at all of the photos, I just keep saying it over and over again.  We had a great trip to Disneyland and I took over 700 photos.  I finally got through them all last night and got them down to 429.  I was snapping like crazy whenever she was standing with a character in hopes that I would get one with a smile so there were a lot of duplicates!  

Even after we got back we still have three more days of vacation.  We quickly dyed Easter eggs and then had a couple of great days of weather.  We spent a lot of those days outside.  We played a lot and got some work on the backyard thrown in their too.  

I hope you enjoy!  I sure did!

march 25, 2013
heading to Disneyland

march 26, 2013
she had a plan and we were sticking to it

march 27, 2013
at a parade
(yes, she wore princess dresses pretty much the whole time)

march 28, 2013
I tried all 4 nights to get a non-blurry pic of the castle
and on the last night I finally got it!

march 29, 2013
it only seems fair to give credit to the tennis shoes that gave
Taelin the extra 1/4 inch that she needed to be the magical 40 inches

march 30, 2013
Easter egg love

april 1, 2013
it felt like summer on Easter and we played
outside a huge chunk of the day

april 2, 2013
our little peas outside

april 2, 2013
i adore this picture
april 3, 2013
Taelin doing the "oca mosha" or "The Locomotion".
Please note Joe's Daffy Duck tie in the background.
We know how to party.