1. I am way behind in my photo organizing. Every time I sit down to my photo a week post, I decided it will just take too much time and then I don't. Probably not the greatest idea.
2. I have been reading...a lot! And when I get into a good book, then that's pretty much what I do until it's done.
3. Somebody has been either sick, getting sick or getting better since...well, I don't know when.
4. Joe and I have been t.v. marathoning (I don't think that is actually a verb but it is the only one that fits) a few different shows at night. And I am not great at writing and watching....
5. My brain is almost too full of stuff to write but in order to get it less full, I really should be writing, but I can't because my brain is too full of stuff to write.... Ya, you see where that leads.
Anyway, I going to try and be better. My goal is to get the photo stuff caught up with weekend. And I think I am going to look at the writing prompts from www.creativewritingprompts.com and see if I can't get my brain a little less full.