It seems like I have had more than a few tough days lately. There isn't any one thing really, just a combination of a few things that make me just want to scream, "Enough already!" But instead of yelling, which won't really do me any good, I decided that perhaps it is time to take the wise yet anonymous advice above and list some of the good. was what was good in my day:
1. a non-fat steamer with sugar-free caramel syrup
2. someone told me that they missed me...and it surprised me
3. my chiropractor was impressed with my progress with my shoulder
4. a huge, fresh salad for dinner
5. an easy morning getting Taelin ready for daycare
6. making time to blog
7. having cough drops in my purse when I needed one
8. started a new book...and it is really good already
And just for good measure...
Why not learn to enjoy the little things-there are so many of them. ~Author Unknown
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