Thursday, December 15, 2011

100% Tip

In the last few months I have started to do something that I never thought I would do...get massages.  I know it might sound crazy to those of you that are massage fanatics, but it never was really something I was comfortable with.  About two years ago, I started to have trouble with my Achilles tendon.  I injured it trying to do too much exercise too soon and it has bothered me since.  I did physical therapy for awhile and it helped, but once I stopped going (because it was barely covered by insurance) the pain started up again.  

This fall I was talking to my favorite yoga instructor after a class and she asked me about my foot.  She had seen me having some trouble during a couple of poses and I shared with her pretty much what I just shared here.  She asked if I had ever had a massage therapist work on the area.  I hadn't and she said it might be something I should consider.  Apparently there can be some build up on the tendon that makes it more difficult and painful to move which then causes more build up that makes it more difficult and painful to get the picture. 

So, with that recommendation and a painful foot, I called up and scheduled my first massage.  Let's just say I am hooked.  I have only gotten deep tissue massage because while I would like to just get relaxing, comfortable massages, I have some issues that need to be resolved to help me on my journey to becoming more healthy.  It doesn't always feel great while my massage therapist is doing the massage, but I feel amazing afterwards.  She is absolute amazing, makes me feel more than comfortable and has been a terrific source of advice as I try and figure out how to make my body work better than it does right now.

Which brings me to this blog post.  One of the things on my list was to "Leave 100% tip."  When I first put this on my list I just assumed that at some point I would come across a dynamite food server and at the end of my meal I would just double the bill.  Viola....and check.  But to be honest we aren't eating out as much as we used to and while we haven't come across any bad service really there hasn't been an experience that has screamed "TIP 100%!!"  Then a couple of weeks ago when my massage therapist had already spent 30 minutes with me before I even got on the table talking about ways to make accommodations to yoga poses based on my injury and then gave me a complete 60 minute massage with another 15 minutes of advice at the end, I knew I had found the right person to help me check on #21.

So this week, after my massage (which was utterly painful and awesomely wonderful at the same time) I paid my bill and left my normal tip.  Then I gave her a Christmas card with the 100%.  She and I have talked about my list before and while she didn't know about this specific one, she understands my purpose of going about completing this list.  I left a little note inside the card about how much I appreciate her above and beyond service.  I hope that she does something for herself with it, but she (as a single mom to a four year old) will probably do something for her daughter for Christmas.  It doesn't really matter to me what she does with it...all I know is that I left that afternoon with a smile on my face knowing that I probably made her day. 

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