It has been a little over a month since I last attended class. I am feeling a tad dispirited that the month is over. It is definitely a sign. There was some quiet dissension among the rank and file of the class about some of the upcoming dates for the the rest of the 3 classes of this certificate.
(For those of you that are wondering what I am talking about....I got caught up in the excitement that others felt about a writing certificate program that is being started at a local university. It is suppose to run pretty much every Wednesday evening for the rest of the year. The focus is supposed to be writing instruction. There are a lot of "supposed to's"....)
Anyway, there have been a few sign from the very beginning. Mainly having to do with the fact that once I drop Taelin off on Wednesday morning, I don't see her again until the following morning. That isn't working for either of us. Joe picks her up and they have a great time, but....yeah, it just isn't okay.
Even though I am 95% sure of my decision, I am waiting to see the outcome of tomorrow night's class before I make any final decisions.
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