Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!! I am exhausted.

I can't believe that Christmas 2012 is coming to an end. We still have a few more gifts to give people that we weren't lucky enough to see in the last couple of days, but for the most part we are done. I would be lying if I was wasn't just a little glad about that.

Don't get me wrong. This month has been a wonderful of combination of magical moments as we geared up for Christmas. We worked our way through our December Daily activities with varied success but lots of fun along the way. We baked cookies, made fudge, created presents, and decorated the house. We read lots of Christmas books, hosted a gingerbread house party, and visited Santa. We watched some of the Christmas classics and a few of the newer ones. It has been wonderful!

But I am exhausted. And no wonder when looking at the list (and that is just what I came up with as I lie here in bed). And I am not the only one. While I know that Taelin had a great time getting ready and the finally celebrating, she is tired too. If you asked her she would say no, but her poor little body says otherwise. Last week, on the first day of vacation, we headed to the doctor and left with a prescription for antibiotics to combat her double ear infection. She was a little pill for a few days, which makes total sense, and we thought we were in the clear on Saturday when she woke up a happy camper but then her nose started running the next day and this morning (Christmas morning) we were wiping her nose between every present. It was actually a very fitting green for Christmas morning, if it hadn't been coming from my daughter nose. Clearly it is viral otherwise the antibiotics would be taking care of it. I am trying to be hopeful that she will be better soon and I can't think of anything that would help that happen more than couple of days at home.

So, the next few days are going to be relatively calm...I hope. There are leftovers to eat. New toys to play with. And nowhere to really be. (We do need to Nana to the airport.) I hope we can cuddle and nap. Watch a couple of movies and maybe (fingers crossed) catch up on some blogging. I have been missing it terribly and I have some great things to report!

Anyway, I hope that your Christmas was a great one and that you too have some restful days ahead. Merry Christmas!

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