My "Top Five Friday" feature has been inspired by my favorite movie, High Fidelity. There is a "list your top 5 _____" threme throughout the movie. It is usually songs, which means the sound track for the movie is amazing, but it goes beyond that too. Between my love for that movie and my love for lists, "Top Five Friday" has been born. I am making it very broad on purpose. One week, it might be my five favorite books to read with Taelin and another week it might be my five favorite cookies with recipe links. I am just leaving it open so I can share and record whatever I happen to be thinking about.
This week, my "Top Five" are my 5 favorite pictures from our snow day! We don't often get snow in Salem and when we do it isn't often very much. The forecast said it was going to snow all day and did it ever! I was so thankful that it landed on a day we were home so we could take full advantage of it! Taelin and I went out first and played for awhile and then later when Joe got home earlier than usual because of the snow, he got his old sled down from the crawl space and we went out again!
Here are my top 5 photos from our snow day!
Catching snowflakes was first order of business |
Snow Angels early on! We did get more snow as the day went on. |
So excited! |
Sledding in the cul de sac. She obviously LOVED it! |
Pulling the sled "up the hill' It isn't that steep but it was enough that she could get going. You can see Joe at the bottom by the cross street. | I couldn't leave this one out. So it more like top 6 today...but I couldn't help it! Look at that face!
What wonderful pics! Love it! I especially love the one where you see the snow falling too! AWESOME!!!