I am official over it. I am over the fevers and the vomit and the congestion and the piles of snotty tissues and the sadness and the crankiness and the exhaustion. I am over it all.
Joe has been sick, then got better, and is now back in bed with two badly infected eyes and a fever. I had a stomach bug over Father's Day weekend. Taelin had a fever for 5 straight days with a lovely side of snot (the girl literally went through 7 boxes of tissues). She rallied for a few days and then woke up last night with an impressive display of vomit. We were up all night.
Did I mention that my parents have been here since Wednesday morning?
My nerves are shot and I am exhausted. I felt like I didn't have a choice but to cancel my work trip with Joe sick. Taelin got sick over the weekend we had reservations to go to Cannon Beach during their annual sand castle competition. She apologized for "ruining summer 'cause I know you really want to go" which I did and just broke my heart. Tomorrow is a graduation party for my cousin Scott's college graduation and my cousin Marissa's high school graduation. I highly doubt we will be able to go. Monday Taelin has a Tutu's and Tiara's class at her dance studio. Time will tell if we will make it. My sister and brother in law are supposed to come for the 4th. I honestly can't think that far ahead.
Right now I am in the living room getting ready for another night on the coach. Joe has been banished to the bedroom with water, Advil, his antibiotic eye drops and the thermometer. He has his phone and will surely text if he needs something. Taelin's toddler bed mattress is lying in the front of me on the floor with a bucket next to it for hopefully no reason. If the past nights are any indication of upcoming events, I will be more than likely watching Dora the Explorer around 2 a.m.
And....I am crying. Typing all that out proved to be a bit overwhelming and an outlet all at the same time.
I don't "do" sick very well. My "Jodie is a worrier" has over the past year developed into full blown anxiety when either Joe or Taelin is sick. It is pretty much specific to being terrified that one of them will die. I have heard too many stories and replayed personal experiences when it comes to sicknesses. A simple, "Mama, my head hurts," gets my own head spinning and before you know it I am just sure that she has an inoperable brain tumor. I know how ridiculous it sounds and I can talk myself down usually pretty good, but with this much sickness in a row, I am failing miserably right now.
I should just lay down right now, but I can't. I need to sleep but if I lay down my brain will start spinning and I will work myself into a frenzy. So, here I am. After, I will probably turn on some horrible reality series on Netflix until I fall into a restless sleep, one ear always listening for Taelin.
So, that was fun and uplifting to read, wasn't it? Sorry.
Hopefully the next post I write will be about a wonderful day we were able to have because everyone was feeling better. We can all hope.