Monday, June 30, 2014

Photo a Day June 18-30

My last post was a bit of a downer.  I know I am a lucky girl when I have so many people worried about me and offer to help.  I appreciate the worry and the offers.  It was my hope that my next post would reveal a healthier situation, but sadly that isn't going to happen.  It won't be quite as depressing though, I promise.

june 18, 2014
doing a little writing about our ladybug larvae

june 19, 2014
doing science experiments 
june 20, 2014
the virus begins

june 21, 2014
a blanket fort for a sick kiddo
 I have a really cute picture of Joe and Taelin watching T.V. but they are both a little under-clothed so I am going to just keep that one to ourselves.

june 23, 2014
day 4 

june 24, 2014
fever gone by the afternoon but still super congested
it was good to get outside and enjoy the sun

june 25, 2014
Grandpa and Gramdma came for a visit.  Tractors were on the agenda

june 26, 2014
ladybug pupa...that was fast!

june 27, 2014
tea party with Aunt Della and cousins Scott and Brittany
she started throwing up in the middle of the night...I am
really hoping we didn't get anyone else sick...

june 28, 2014
grandpa over complicating a project that wasn't necessary.
(and a nice shot of Taelin's mullet) 

june 29, 2014
vomit free for over 24 hours so we went up to the graduation party.
Taelin and her cousin Lucy had a good time with the big box that used to hold a present.

june 30, 2014
and throwing up again.... just once this morning but still  :/
Joe is still banished in the bedroom.  His eye infection isn't bacterial,
 because the antibiotics didn't help, so by process of elimination it's a viral infection.
The dr today said he still probably has another 3-5 days before they are better. I sit.  We have already watch Peter Pan, part of Dumbo (we had to turn it off at the part where the mother gets taken away because it makes Taelin too sad), The Grinch that Stole Christmas and are now in the middle of the first Harry Potter.  Nap time will soon be coming. And at some point, I am hoping to get out of the house and take a walk.  July starts tomorrow...that would be a good time for everyone to get better right?

1 comment:

  1. Right! What a month! Here's to a healthy July for the Crowe family!
