Sunday, September 7, 2014

Photo A Day August 11-31

Seven days into September and I figured that maybe it would be time to sit down and share the rest of August with you all.  Taelin is currently on the mend of what is hopefully just a 24-hour stomach bug.  I say hopefully for the obvious reason that I hate Taelin not feeling well, but Tuesday is the first day of kindergarten and it would be more than a little sad for Taelin to miss that since she is so looking forward to it!

Anyway, the Scooby-Doo marathon is in full swing this morning and we are hoping to make some zucchini bread later this afternoon but for the most part I am finding myself plopped on the couch next to Taelin and will some time to catch up on photo organization.  August was a busy and fun month!

aug 11, 2014
enchanted forest with cousin Lucy

aug 12, 2014
swimming with the smiley's

aug 13, 2014
hanging out with nana who helped watch taelin since I was back to work

aug 14, 2014
working on bike riding 
aug 15, 2014
why oh why is spaghetti ever on a kids menu?

aug 16, 2014
ballerina yoga

aug 17, 2014
love, love, love them

aug 18, 2014
in san francisco for work and luckily had an afternoon to see the sights

aug 19, 2014
i miss them so much when i am gone, but thank goodness for facetime

aug 20, 2014
amazing dessert that was very much necessary

aug 21, 2014
home! joe said it took taelin an hour to put all the stickers on

aug 22, 2014
so excited for dance to start up again...she can hardly wait

aug 23, 2014
maddie came over for the evening and they were so excited to at least
 fall asleep together before jim and jocelyn came to get her

aug 24, 2014
our very dead cedar tree.  i couldn't be more sad about it

aug 25, 2014
sorting my project life cards by color...i hope i don't regret it.
it does take up way less space

aug 26, 2014
cousin facetime initiated by lucy.
i think they would have kept going it we had let them

aug 27, 2014
taelin made a scooby doo reunion puppet show

aug 28, 2014
a crazy work week ended with a night out for dinner

aug 29, 2014
it rained all day so beef barley stew with homemade biscuits hit the spot

aug 30, 2014
we were out shopping for someone's big girl bed
and stopped for lunch to use a gift card we had
(no decision was made about said big girl bed)

aug 31, 2014
taelin has her very own purple video game controller and joe found a
lego avengers game that they had a good time playing "we beat level one already
and will beat level two without any problems.  we are really good."

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