Sunday, September 6, 2015

transition: movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change:

Transition.  It is all around me right now.  I have started a new job at a new school.  Taelin is starting first grade at a new school in just a few days. Joe's job is in flux right now because his boss (who he really likes and respects) is moving.  There is a lot of change right now.  My first inclination would normally be to freak out and worry about it all..and I have done some of that.  But when I take a deep breath and think about it, it is really an exciting time.  Most of the changes that are coming our way have been chosen by us.  There is always the closing door and the people we leave behind but there are new doors opening every day and new people behind those doors.

One of my very wise friends reminded me that life transitions are a great place to start new habits and I have decided to embrace that idea.  As I am trying to figure out my new schedule (which includes Taelin's new schedule) I am realizing there are a lot of opportunities for creating new habits.  There are a few things I am contemplating in regards to what I want to make time for but I need to be realistic too.  I need to resist the urge of making a huge list of things I want to do because I know if I do that I will start out strong but will ultimately fail because it is just too much.  

So, to simplify things a little, I have decided that the new habit I would like to embrace is how I am making decisions about spending my time.  One of the biggest struggles I have is making my own health a priority.  Not only my physical health but my mental health as well.  So, I am going to start getting a little more selfish.  

Right now for example, there other things I could be doing.  Other things I need to be doing.  But first, I am writing, because it is good for my health.  Once I am done those things will still be there to do (and I will do them) but by first allowing myself the time write, I am starting to create the groove in my brain to establish a new habit that focuses of improving my health.  

You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the 
courage - pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically - to say "no" to other things.
 And the way to do that is to have a bigger "yes" burning inside. 
 -Stephen Covey

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