Thursday, October 1, 2015

perspective: a way of regarding situations, facts, etc, and judging their relative importance

I have been thinking a lot about perspective this week.  I just finished the book I Am Malala which was an eye opening book for me in a lot of ways. I have also been reading the heartbreaking stories on Humans of New York (the best Facebook page ever) about the refugees in Europe right now. I also have a 6 year old that is convinced the world is out to get her because "peanut butter sandwiches make her head feel fuzzy." I also have a profession that I care deeply about but feel very lost in.  My brain is very tired.

It is hard for me to even truly imagine the constant fear many people around the world live in.  There is so much politically I don't understand about it.  When I compare some of the things I am reading about to the things that are causing me angst, I just want to let myself its not really that big of a deal in the larger scheme of things and I need to just get over it.  But I don't know how to do that.  

Judging the relative importance of a situation.  I don't really know how to do that. The bigger the world becomes to me the more I want to simplify my own small world.  It feels like it is the equivalent of burying my head in the sand but my locus of control is so small in so many situations that I just want to hunker down with the things that are in my control and shut the rest out.  

But that isn't really an option, is it.  I mean, I guess I could sell all my possessions and go live off the grid but that is highly unlikely.  It isn't really what I want.  So I guess I will continue to work on finding lunch for my daughter to take to school that doesn't make her head feel fuzzy.  I will continue to build relationships at work and figure out my role in it all.  And I guess in the moments that I get overwhelmed by the whole thing, I can hunker down for a bit with a cup of hot tea and a good book.  In fact, I think I am going to go and do exactly that.

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