One of the things on my list is listing 50 things that I like about myself. I saw this on someone else's list and at the time thought, " fun would that be!" Now I am thinking, "Oh...that feels a little selfish." I supposed everyone should have a list like this; a list showcasing what we think is great about ourselves...but if I think about the people that have embraced this idea whole-heartedly...well, those people kind of make me crazy sometimes.
To hopefully find a middle ground I am just going to stick with the top ten things I like about myself tonight. I will deal with the other 40 on another day. :)
50. I have a great laugh.
49. I can be a good storyteller.
48. I have told my daughter that I love her every day of her life so far.
47. I am a pretty good baker, especially when it comes to a certain cookie that is named after me.
46. I am not afraid to admit I don't know something.
45. I am a fierce defender of those I love.
44. I don't always make the easy choice.
43. I can find happiness in an iced venti unsweetened green tea from Starbucks.
42. I am a good teacher.
41. No one can "fancy dance" quite like me.
Okay...that was kind of hard. I am a little surprised to be honest. I would consider myself a confident person with a fairly good self-esteem. How hard should it really be list the things that make us someone we like to be? Others could probably list a lot of things that they like about me (you all could, couldn't you???) but for some reason we can't do it for yourselves. But really, how can we expect others to appreciate the great things about us when we won't even see it in ourselves? Maybe it is the admitting it out loud to others that is the problem for some people. Well, whatever it is, I better get over it. Because there are still 40 more things that I need to come up with and list. Hmmm.....
I think that is a great top 10 and you are right I can list a lot of things I like about you - but I am biased :)