Friday, April 8, 2011

Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly look for the good, even in unpleasant situations. Start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful. ~Marelisa Fábrega

I can tend to be a worrier.  And as a worrier, I tend to be a bit of a pessimist.  In any given situation, I am more likely to think of the half-empty scenario than the half-full one.  I can trick myself into thinking that it works for me, that I am being a realist. By the time something is resolved, I have thought and worried about all the possibilities that the resolution is never as bad as I thought it was going to be.  One of the biggest problems with this however, is the energy and time that I spent worrying..many times about things I have absolutely no control over.

And so, it is with this quote that I turn my attention to finding the "all-the-time" gratitude in my life. It won't be easy...I have had many years at being a worrier and old habits die hard.  But, if I turn my attention to the things in situations that I can be thankful for, then perhaps I will start to see things more half-full and see less to worry about.

So, right now I am incredibly grateful that Taelin is sleeping in so I can sit on my couch in the sunshine (YES!!! SUNSHINE) that is streaming in my windows and type this post.  I am grateful that I was looking at Charlie's blog and stumbled onto his list, inspiring me to make my own and providing me with this opportunity better myself.  And finally, because things can change so quickly, I am grateful that Taelin is awake and that I am off today.  Banana bread, picnic, and weed we come!

1 comment:

  1. :)
    I'm grateful for the flowers you sent that are still making the house smell nice, and the new book waiting for me upstairs, and the 12-14 inches of new wet-heavy snow that will give me one more snowman opportunity for the season.

    Also, I love you!
