Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kitchen remodel so far....

This is where the stove/oven used to be...and where the sink and dishwasher is going to be.  It was the first sign of the new replacing the old!  This was actually taken last week and already looks different at this point. You can see pictures further down to see the wall complete.

Some of you that have been to my house might recognize this as the spot where small children and animals could get their heads or even entire bodies stuff between the wooden slats.  No more...a half wall replaces it and a matching slab of granite counter top will be across the top.

Here is a picture from the family room that looking over the half wall into the kitchen.  You can see the finished product of the above picture where the dishwasher and sink will go.  A one foot slab of granite will go across there as well...and will be used to hold the plates of goodies that we have the party we are going to have once this whole thing gets done!

See that wire coming from the wall?  That is where my microwave will be that will be above the stove and oven.  Off to the left will be cabinets above and below.  There used to be really long useless windows there that have been since covered up.  The white color you see is pretty much going to be the color it it technically "white truffle" but the cabinets and floor are going to be so dark I wanted something that would lighten the rest of the room.

There used to be a wood stove right here.  We had discussed the possibility of maybe thinking about removing it.  We asked for a quote.  Joe came home and the stove was gone.  I guess that takes care of that!  So our kitchen remodel has turned into a kitchen/dining room/family room remodel...but that is way too long to say and type on a consistent basis.  The carpet will be pulled up at some point and replaced with wood flooring that will be much easier to clean.

Samuel Butler apparently said, "Life is a long process of getting tired."  

All I have to say about that is that I am REALLY living right now.  


  1. Woot! Keep the photos coming! It's fun to see the process, I didn't know you were putting a wall in by the sliding door too, now were will i stick my head? Seriously, it's looking really good, and it seems to be moving fast.

    Just think about how nice it will be when it's all done.

    Love you!

  2. Love you too! It is crazy how much they have gotten done. Even just in one day things look different. The blue and tan walls have been painted and there are cabinets in the kitchen! Very cool!!!
