Friday, November 11, 2011

spurious: counterfeit, fake

Sometimes things are not what they seem.  Sometimes people are not what they seem.  I know this is true for probably everyone in some capacity, but I would like to think that part of what I am working on all the time is to be as real and genuine as I can.  I know my faults, there are a lot of them, and I am sure that I have friends that could list a few of them off without much prompting. 

That being said, I try really hard to not portray myself in one way with some people and a completely different way with other people.  Clearly I am going to be more comfortable to open up and be myself around some people more than others, but I still try to represent who I am in an honest way.  

Most of the time, it is a minor irritation to find out that someone is a bit spurious.  For me, I call into question how much I can really trust someone and then I act accordingly; perhaps even distance myself from such behavior because I find it annoying.  It is rare that I would feel anger or sadness, but this week I did and I am not really sure what to do with it.  Probably nothing except for what I have done in the past; protect myself a little more when interacting with the person and limit my contact.  

Even now I am not really even anger about it, mostly just irritated and sadden by the situation.  I guess I just need to let it go.  Perhaps I need to look at the situation as a reminder for me that I need to continue to work on being honest, real and genuine; with others and myself.

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