Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Photo A Day August 3-11, 2013

My photo a day's have been taking a little bit of a different turn, at least in my mind, since I have started Project Life.  Each photo I am choosing for the day isn't always the "best" one I have taken that day, but rather is the thing that I want to remember most from the day.  Instead of just the picture that I am capturing, I am also thinking about the journaling that will go along with the picture.  It is a shift that I am ok with and am looking forward to where it might lead.

We have had a bit of an eventful week so here are the pictures...

aug 3, 2013
I bought some cherries to make cherry jelly (Joe's favorite) and completely overestimated
how much I needed.  I had to contract out some of the work.  She drove a hard bargain
 and when it got to the middle of the job, she decided she needed more money.  

aug 4, 2013
my two zucchini plants are going crazy

aug 5, 2013
waiting for daddy to get see, there
was a ball and she was planning on waltzing

aug 6, 2013
it was a rough unplanned blood drawing at the dr caused a
cancelled trip to Nana's house and a bit of car clearing for me.
then we spent the rest of the day watching movies.

aug 7, 2013
pinkies up!
a tea party at a local dessert place 

aug 8, 2013
so desperately wants a ballerina bun

aug 9, 2013
she loves her sleeping bag and
 got to use it on our trip to Seattle

aug 10, 2013
at Woodland Park in Seattle

aug 11, 2013
we went on a duck boat tour and
 had a wonderfully obnoxious time

1 comment:

  1. Woot!! you got to get me a copy of that last photo. It's going to get framed. :) - Lorie
