Friday, August 2, 2013

Photo A Day July 26-August 2

What a fantastic week!  We finally were able to meet the butterflies (and then had to let them go), Taelin and I took a overnight trip to the beach, the house got painted and I got some serious scrapbooking done (and planned)!

My brain is starting to float into work mode, kind of, but I am trying my level best to stay the summer course until I go back.  I have one more week and a trip to Seattle before the 12th arrives (which is my first day back) so I need to stop worrying so much about it and just enjoy my last 9 days!

Here's our week in photos....

july 26, 2013
our first painted lady butterflies arrived

july 27, 2013
girl's day/night at the coast

july 28, 2013
this isn't necessarily the best picture from this day,
but it did capture this little half smile that Taelin does sometimes  <3

july 29, 2013
day one of four of the house being painted...thankful it wasn't me doing it

july 30, 2013
In full disclosure, I feel like I need to confess that Joe took this picture.
But, it is such a great one that I had to use it.  Joe and Taelin went
up to the Wilsonville Family Fun Center after he got off of work
and went on the bumper boats (aftermath shown here), the go-carts and
played a bunch of games.
 I on the other hand had several hours in the house, by myself.
Oceans 11 and scrapbooking happened.  

july 31, 2013
it was a few days earlier than we needed to, but the butterflies were getting a little x-rated
so we decided to let them go and did so without any tears from Taelin!
(I might have gotten a little teary when Taelin whispered to them before we let them go,
"I love you butterflies.  Go and lay your eggs and be mamas."

august 1, 2013
had a wonderful day with two of my dear friends and Taelin going to a couple of scrapbook
stores and out to lunch.  Taelin picked out some great stuff to start our Disneyland book!

august 2, 2013
my friend has been encouraging me for awhile to take the plunge into Project Life.
 i finally decided to do it but of course feel the need to start at the "beginning" so
I am making this my 2013 book.  So far I am really loving the simplicity of it and am
hoping that it doesn't take me too long to "catch up"
(dreaded words for a scrapbooker with a Type A personality)

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