Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Photo A Day August 3-11, 2013

My photo a day's have been taking a little bit of a different turn, at least in my mind, since I have started Project Life.  Each photo I am choosing for the day isn't always the "best" one I have taken that day, but rather is the thing that I want to remember most from the day.  Instead of just the picture that I am capturing, I am also thinking about the journaling that will go along with the picture.  It is a shift that I am ok with and am looking forward to where it might lead.

We have had a bit of an eventful week so here are the pictures...

aug 3, 2013
I bought some cherries to make cherry jelly (Joe's favorite) and completely overestimated
how much I needed.  I had to contract out some of the work.  She drove a hard bargain
 and when it got to the middle of the job, she decided she needed more money.  

aug 4, 2013
my two zucchini plants are going crazy

aug 5, 2013
waiting for daddy to get see, there
was a ball and she was planning on waltzing

aug 6, 2013
it was a rough unplanned blood drawing at the dr caused a
cancelled trip to Nana's house and a bit of car clearing for me.
then we spent the rest of the day watching movies.

aug 7, 2013
pinkies up!
a tea party at a local dessert place 

aug 8, 2013
so desperately wants a ballerina bun

aug 9, 2013
she loves her sleeping bag and
 got to use it on our trip to Seattle

aug 10, 2013
at Woodland Park in Seattle

aug 11, 2013
we went on a duck boat tour and
 had a wonderfully obnoxious time

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Possums are not awesome.

***This story is a retelling of an actual event that occurred in our house early Monday morning.  I am doing my best to recall the details but as it was in the middle of the freakin' night, Joe may decide to argue with some of my retelling.***

Our loft is one of the things that sold us on this house.  There really isn't a bad thing about it...except for that it gets hot and it is hard to cool down. After having been gone all weekend, the house was hot and stuffy and we opened everything up, including the sliding glass door.  After Taelin went to bed, I retreated to the couch to organize some photos and Joe went upstairs.  It is important to note that this was probably around 8:30 p.m.  It is also important to note that the door was still open.I tend to not like leaving the door open, but Joe is the one that has to live with the upstairs heat and he often leaves it open.  I went to bed around 11:00, hoping to get a good nights sleep since Monday was my first day back at work.

At 12:30ish, Joe came into the bedroom, woke me up, made a point of making sure that I was really awake and said, "When was the last time you were in the kitchen?"  I was clearly confused because before I could answer he said, "Something pooped and peed in the kitchen and it wasn't the cat. I think there is an animal in the house."  Joe would have to fill in the gaps of what occurred at this point.  I just remember saying over and over, "So...what is it that you want me to do?"

Finally, I realized that what Joe wanted me to do was to help looking for whatever it was that left the little surprise in the kitchen.  (Which he had cleaned up.)  At this point, because of the size of the poop Joe made a guess at the size of the animal.  He also included the detail that the poop wasn't warm and so it had been there awhile so we had no idea whether or not the animal, which could have been a skunk or a raccoon or a possum, was still in the house.  I don't really know how long he went on about it all.  I do remember laughing...a the ridiculousness of the current situation. Joe was not completely clothed (I think I will just leave it at that so you all don't get too much of a visual.)  I, while Joe had been informing me of his scientific hypothesis, had grabbed a broom and put on shoes.  I got a couple of frustrated looks from Joe for laughing (and will probably get a couple more after he reads my above description of his attire) and he then went and got the big dust broom from the garage. 

We proceeded to check the house for whatever said animal was lurking and determined after 20 minutes that there was no animal and said, rather optimistically, that whatever animal had wandered in had wandered out.  I went back to bed, with my shoes and broom beside the bed and hoped that the next time I would wake would be at 6:20 a.m. when my alarm went off.  

It was instead 3:00 a.m. that I next saw the time on a clock.  Joe woke me up saying that he had heard nails tapping on the floor in the bedroom, yes the bedroom, that it had ran back out when Joe moved in the bed and that we needed to go find what it was.  I was freaking out more than a little because there was confirmation that there was indeed an animal that wasn't the cat and it was indeed still in the house.  I put on my shoes, grabbed my broom and followed Joe out to the living room where he heard something underneath the couch.

At this point, things happened rather quickly. Joe flipped one of the couches over blocking the way into our hallway.  I grabbed one of the folding tables that was in the hallway from the LAN a couple of weeks ago and blocked off the staircase.  I grabbed the other table and ran around to the other side blocking the way to the kitchen.  I safely put myself on the side of the table that blocked me from whatever it was.  The animal was at least contained to the living room. (The table idea was mine, by the way, and was brilliant if I do say so myself.)

Joe was standing by the overturned couch and as he pushed the other one around I saw the back end of what was quickly identified as a possum.  I think I may have said something in a hurried high-pitched fashion but I don't really remember.  Joe jumped up onto the ottoman and started poking the possum (that we realized was a baby..thank goodness!) but of course it played dead, because other than coming in unsuspecting houses that's what they do.  I stood there with my broom realizing that if Joe pushed it and it came over by me I might be expected to do something and I considered for a moment if perhaps calling 911 would be a good idea.  (Don't worry Chris...I really only considered it for a moment.)

Joe poked it and it finally moved along the edge of wall and then when it turned the corner banged into the part of the glass door that wasn't opened and at the first possible movement that it could, the baby possum ran out of the open door.  Joe jumped off the ottoman, ran to the sliding glass door and slammed it shut. We searched around for a little while making sure that there wasn't a brother or sister possum...or worse a mama possum...somewhere around and once we decided we were finally sans marsupial, we dropped our brooms and went off to bed.  It was around 4 a.m. and I had just over 2 hours to try and get some sleep.

As I have relayed this story to others over the past few days, I have had the question of what Tucker was doing during this time.  It was the one night that our beagle could have actually been useful but because we got back from Seattle after the boarder closed, Tucker was sound asleep in his kennel.  He did go CRAZY the next day though when Joe brought him home and then later Monday night.  It became aware just how much that little baby possum wandered around our house.  Gross.

Because of my photo a day project has developed a habit of taking a picture of everything, I ran to the bedroom and grabbed my phone right after the possum ran out, which Joe was surprised by.  I was surprised that he was surprised...of course I am going to take a picture!

My quick thinking table blocking!

Flipped over couch. 

The blockade from a different point of view.  
Noticed the now closed 3:17.  And Joe's trusty sidekick, broom.

Some people asked if I got any pictures of the possum.  To that I say, "Um...NO!  There was a freakin' possum in my house!"  For those of you that wanted is a picture that one of Joe's coworkers sent him after Joe him told the story.

So there it is.  The awesome story about the not-so awesome possum.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Holy crap! I go back to work a week from tomorrow and I need to do some cooking to fill my freezer before the busiest month of the year happens!" (Otherwise known as Menu Plan Week of Aug. 4)

It is a wonderful problem to have.  I am going into my last of 8 weeks off and getting ready to go back to a job that I love.  We have had an incredible summer and if we are lucky we will still have summer weather to enjoy, I just will be enjoying it in less quantities and without my yoga pants and ponytail.  That said, it will be hard to get back to waking to an alarm and juggling work and home.

I have tried the whole once a month cooking before and while it works for a lot of people, it just didn't work for me. Things just didn't come out right after being in the freezer and I had to depend on the fact that I would remember to take the huge dishes out to thaw.  Also, I like cooking for the most part and it kind of helps me decompress from the day so I want to have at least a little to do.  As a result, over the last few years, I have developed my own little way of helping myself getting ahead and not make getting dinner on the table stressful.  It is certainly not anything earth shattering or new but as I thought about my meals for this upcoming week, I tried to be purposeful about picking things that would help me out for the next week and beyond as the school year gets going.  It does take more time right now but not a huge amount since I am already cooking anyway and the fact that it will help me still be able to have good meals on the table instead of going through a drive-through makes it totally worth it for me.

This week we will be eating...

Monday: spaghetti and meatballs, green salad
    To get ahead I will...
* Make a huge pot of spaghetti sauce
* Make oven bake meatballs to freeze for spaghetti or sub sandwiches
* Use same mixture to make meatloaf (This one I freeze before baking.)

Tuesday: chicken pesto pizza
    To get ahead I will...
* Throw a bunch of boneless, skinless chicken breasts in the crockpot and let cook all day.  Once it is cooked, I take it out to cool and then package up for the freezer.  I used to shred it before I froze it but that takes a lot of time and it is easier just to freeze the chicken breasts cooked and then quickly chop or shred when I use it later.  I use this one item more than anything else I do ahead of time for things like enchiladas, tacos, quesadillas, pot pie, soups, chicken salad, nachos, lumpia, wraps, and pizza.
*Harvest the last of the basil I have growing and make pesto to freeze. (didn't get done last week)

Wednesday: tacos, black beans, brown rice
    To get ahead I will...
* Cook 5 lbs of hamburger instead of just one
* Make extra beans and rice and mix together for my version of these stuffed peppers.  

Thursday: pork roast, potatoes, carrots
    To get ahead I will...
*purposefully pick the biggest roast and then shred the leftovers to BBQ sandwiches

We are going to Seattle for the weekend to visit my sister and her husband (and to eke out one more trip this summer) so I have no idea what we will do for dinners!

And in the interest of sharing just a few more of my favorite "cook extras for freezer meals" I love the following and currently have some already in the freezer...

Shredded Italian Beef
Turkey Black Bean Chili
Calico Beans (although I don't use hamburger and switch the beans up)
Stuffed Shells

Now I just have to make my grocery list, right after I go make some iced tea, water the garden, harvest some zucchini, and take an afternoon nap while Joe and Taelin play in the pool.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Photo A Day July 26-August 2

What a fantastic week!  We finally were able to meet the butterflies (and then had to let them go), Taelin and I took a overnight trip to the beach, the house got painted and I got some serious scrapbooking done (and planned)!

My brain is starting to float into work mode, kind of, but I am trying my level best to stay the summer course until I go back.  I have one more week and a trip to Seattle before the 12th arrives (which is my first day back) so I need to stop worrying so much about it and just enjoy my last 9 days!

Here's our week in photos....

july 26, 2013
our first painted lady butterflies arrived

july 27, 2013
girl's day/night at the coast

july 28, 2013
this isn't necessarily the best picture from this day,
but it did capture this little half smile that Taelin does sometimes  <3

july 29, 2013
day one of four of the house being painted...thankful it wasn't me doing it

july 30, 2013
In full disclosure, I feel like I need to confess that Joe took this picture.
But, it is such a great one that I had to use it.  Joe and Taelin went
up to the Wilsonville Family Fun Center after he got off of work
and went on the bumper boats (aftermath shown here), the go-carts and
played a bunch of games.
 I on the other hand had several hours in the house, by myself.
Oceans 11 and scrapbooking happened.  

july 31, 2013
it was a few days earlier than we needed to, but the butterflies were getting a little x-rated
so we decided to let them go and did so without any tears from Taelin!
(I might have gotten a little teary when Taelin whispered to them before we let them go,
"I love you butterflies.  Go and lay your eggs and be mamas."

august 1, 2013
had a wonderful day with two of my dear friends and Taelin going to a couple of scrapbook
stores and out to lunch.  Taelin picked out some great stuff to start our Disneyland book!

august 2, 2013
my friend has been encouraging me for awhile to take the plunge into Project Life.
 i finally decided to do it but of course feel the need to start at the "beginning" so
I am making this my 2013 book.  So far I am really loving the simplicity of it and am
hoping that it doesn't take me too long to "catch up"
(dreaded words for a scrapbooker with a Type A personality)