One of the things I have put on my list is to actually do some of the things I have pinned; twenty of them in fact. This shouldn't be too hard as I have almost 1,600 things pinned which is nothing really in the Pinterest world. I have one whole board that is dedicated to decorating my walls.
If you have been to my house, you know some of my massively large (mostly blank) walls. They are a result of the vaulted ceilings that we loved from the moment we looked at the house. There is one wall in particular in the living room that has been in need of something for awhile. We had some of my sister's art up in there but when we did the remodel it came down and never went back up.
Last summer, I started talking to my sister about screen printing some quotes for wall to mixed in with some large collage frames I picked up. I knew when I asked Lorie, I was asking for something that was far below her talent. But she agreed and I consider it a gift that she suspended her fine art eye for her visually challenged sister. I picked out the quotes and bought the large panels and she did the rest!
It isn't done, by a long shot but here is what it looks like so far!
My sister gave me two more panels as Christmas presents that I want to put up but don't trust myself to know the right place to put them, so will probably wait until she comes down for Taelin's birthday. I also picked a big C and want to pick up a few more things to add. Maybe a mirror? You know what that means....back to Pinterest for more ideas.

Well, 1 least 19 to go!
Wait Wait Wait! "I knew when I asked Lorie, I was asking for something that was far beyond her talent." ?!?!?!??! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's not what is says.... "far below her talent" ;)
ReplyDeleteohhhhh! :) LOVE YOU!