Friday, January 24, 2014

Top Five Friday: Jan 24, 2014

This week I have really been thinking about Taelin's learning more than I have lately for some reason.  I don't really know what that is...that I have been thinking of it more than usual, but I have.  So, this week, my Top Five Friday is a list of 5 things that I need to do with Taelin in the very near future.  It is such a tricky thing to not get too "teacher-y" on Taelin but at the same time since I know how to do a few things it seems silly to not do a little something now and again.  And so, here are 5 things that I think need to do with Taelin in the not to distant future...

1.  Salt Tray
 Taelin has known most of her letters for awhile, but there are a few that are still a bit inconsistent.  I don't want to get all "kill and drill" about it so this salt tray will be a perfect sensory experience I just know she will love!

2. Stamping Ten Frames 1-20
Taelin loves stamping.  She is intrigued by counting but they don't do a lot of it in preschool...or at least I can't tell if they do.  I think she will have fun using some free ten frames activities I have using some of her stamps!

3. Ant Farm 
This summer we got caterpillars and then eventually butterflies, which Taelin loved!  She asked the other day when we got do to something else like the butterflies.  She asked specifically about ladybugs or tadpoles but it is a little cold for that right now.  But an ant farm, we could do that!

4. Marble Run
I have been saving cardboard tubes since I started wrapping Christmas presents last month.  Then since I started saving those, I started to save toilet paper tubes too.  I think some masking tape, scissors and marbles are going to be in our future and it will be fun!

5. Crayon Resist Art
We have appropriately 2 gazillion crayons and a few less watercolor paints.  I have been meaning to do crayon resist art and then we don't. But we will...soon!

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