1. Motivated Mom Chore List-Over the last few years, really since Taelin has been born, I have tried a few different systems for managing all the household chores. I always end up coming back to Motivated Moms. It used to be all paper and pencil, but they of course have an app now. I first tried the app back in October and it was brilliant. You can customize the daily lists, assign certain people to certain things (and color-coordinate it). When I follow it, and keep Joe and Taelin to their tasks, my house looks freakin' amazing. So, I ponied up the money (you have to buy it every year) and I have to say I am happily sitting in a clean room with no guilt about needing to go clean something because everything is checked off my list already!
2. Weight Watchers-I haven't ever really quit but I would say I haven't been the best little point counter there ever was. I have been paying for the online program (which is more honest than saying that I have been doing the online program) for awhile but as I was looking at pictures of me two Christmas's ago it is fair to say that I need to follow the straight and narrow. So, I switched my online status to the monthly pass and will be attending the meeting next week. (Blech. I really don't like the meetings.) I know I can do it...I just need to do it again.
3. Reading Before Bed-This one is pretty easy. I need to stop playing Candy Crush/Mahjong/Papa Pear Saga/Solitaire before bed and read. I have 102 books on my "to-read" list. I need to start reading them.
4. One Little Word-I wasn't as good about thinking about my one little word last year as I was the year before. I don't think I was really ready for wait I needed to do with that. This year I really, really like my word. I am currently thinking about what anchor I can make to help me be mindful. (With peace I found a silver band I still wear today and that constantly reminder is helpful.)
5. Dates with Joe-We are really, really bad at this. We spend a lot of time together as a family and we do a lot of things together after Taelin goes to bed, but other than the two concerts we went to last year and the occasional lunch during the work week, we don't go out the two of us together very often. So, this year I want to be a little better about that. For Joe's birthday, I got him 6 gift cards to restaurants that are reserved for dates, either lunch out or dinner out. We aren't going to go out a ton but I do want to do more.
So, yeah, I guess it does sound a little like some resolutions, but I am not calling them that...I am calling them recommitments. They are totally different. ;)
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