Friday, January 17, 2014

Top Five Friday! My top five happiest simple pleasures this week

This week has been long, cold, stressful and long.  Did I mention it was a long week? I decided early on this week that I needed to be keeping track of the the simple pleasures that made me smile. I ended up with way more than five (YAY!) so I had to weed out a few.  After the week of a damp, dark days, a sick kid, sleepless nights, and trying to catch up at work because of are my top five simple pleasures this week!

1. Seat Warmers: The seat warmers in my car was what actually triggered this list.  This time of year is hard in my job for lots of reasons.  I am in multiple building during the day, some with horrible parking, which means cold and wet quickly.  Even when I am not working, if I go outside from running errands (or taking a kid to a doctor appointment) I get wet and then cold. Once I am cold, there is not much warming me up, but this week my seat warmers were to the rescue.  It seemed like such a silly little feature when we bought my car in July the year before last.  But this week, that silly little feature was not so silly and much appreciated.

2. Paper Calendars: I know that I am supposed to be going digital.  I have to keep my work calendar electronically. And last year I tried.  I really did. But I forgot when and where I was supposed to be...all the time.  My mileage...a different document...that I lost all the time.  My to-do list...scattered among too many different colors and sizes of sticky notes....that I lost all the time. So this year, when the school year started I walked myself into an office supply store and bought a paper calendar. (Well, it was actually a lot more complicated as I spent over an hour pouring over pages and styles and covers.)  This week there have been several times that I was so grateful for my little lovely purple paper calendar.  I might literally love it.

3. Shredded Lettuce: I was shamed for this simple pleasure earlier this week.  I was told it was a waste since it was basically just water.  Yeah, I know...and I still love it.  Think of the last time you ate tacos at some restaurant. You know that lettuce, the really shredded kind that kind of looks like paper that has been run through a paper shredder?  Yeah, that kind.  It is my absolute favorite lettuce for taco salads. Last weekend I made tacos and we had a bunch of leftover meat which is perfect for making taco salads for lunches.  And to make things easier, I also bought my favorite shredded lettuce for the weekend and lots of it left too.  So, this week I had lots of shredded lettuce taco salads...and I smiled every time.

4. Waking up to Taelin singing: Before Taelin turned four, I woke up every morning with her singing in her bed.  She would sometimes sing for 30 minutes until finally she would start to chant, "Mama...Mama...Mama..." until I came to get her. I would just lie in bed listening to her voice until she called for me. I loved the days I woke up that way. Then morning of her 4th birthday, she just got up out of her bed and came into our bedroom declaring, "When I am 4, I just get up by myself."  No warning that something I loved so much was going to end, just like that.  Then this week, I woke up to "You are my sunshine...." and it brought tears to my eyes.  So, then I waited, hoping for the chant of my name, my most important name.  And then it came.  And so I went.  I was lovely.

5: Tap Shoes: Watch this and you will understand.

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