Monday, August 8, 2011

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked. -Author Unknown

Within the last couple of months, I have found myself playing a lot of peek-a-boo, pretending to eat a lot of plastic food, watching more than my fair share of Dora the Explorer, and rereading Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  And while Taelin can make a mean pot of pretend soup and I haven't yet figured out why Eric Carle made the horse blue and the cat purple, spending the majority of my days with Taelin has started to wear.  I am just not built for this whole stay-at-home thing on a full time basis.

***disclaimer***  I love my daughter more than my own life.  I am lucky to have her and I can't imagine my life without her.  I am thankful everyday, even on the hard days that I am her mom.  ***end disclaimer***

Luckily, in addition to having Joe and Taelin in my life, I also have some pretty incredible friends.  Friends that I would love to spend more time with but are so understanding that it is just not the season in my life where I can have long talks over a beer without looking at the time. They are the friends that are willing to walk with me even though they could probably run laps around me as I huff and puff up the hill.  They are the friends that know that I am a constant worrier and call me to reassure me even though they already did it in a text.  They are the friends that make me better by their friendship.  They are the friends that forgive me of all my weaknesses and champion my strengths.  They are awesome.

I am not sure why I have been thinking about all of this more in the last couple of months because I have always been lucky to have great friends in my life (granted some times in my life I have been a little luckier than others).  There have just been so many little moments lately have have shown me the true friendships I have.  There were a lot of quotes out there that talk about friendship, but honestly this one really summed it up the best AND it made me giggle.  There are a lot of things about me that make me half-cracked, I suppose that is true for all of us, but I am glad that I have people in my life that can see that I really am a good egg...even on the days I can't see it myself.

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