Monday, June 30, 2014

Photo a Day June 18-30

My last post was a bit of a downer.  I know I am a lucky girl when I have so many people worried about me and offer to help.  I appreciate the worry and the offers.  It was my hope that my next post would reveal a healthier situation, but sadly that isn't going to happen.  It won't be quite as depressing though, I promise.

june 18, 2014
doing a little writing about our ladybug larvae

june 19, 2014
doing science experiments 
june 20, 2014
the virus begins

june 21, 2014
a blanket fort for a sick kiddo
 I have a really cute picture of Joe and Taelin watching T.V. but they are both a little under-clothed so I am going to just keep that one to ourselves.

june 23, 2014
day 4 

june 24, 2014
fever gone by the afternoon but still super congested
it was good to get outside and enjoy the sun

june 25, 2014
Grandpa and Gramdma came for a visit.  Tractors were on the agenda

june 26, 2014
ladybug pupa...that was fast!

june 27, 2014
tea party with Aunt Della and cousins Scott and Brittany
she started throwing up in the middle of the night...I am
really hoping we didn't get anyone else sick...

june 28, 2014
grandpa over complicating a project that wasn't necessary.
(and a nice shot of Taelin's mullet) 

june 29, 2014
vomit free for over 24 hours so we went up to the graduation party.
Taelin and her cousin Lucy had a good time with the big box that used to hold a present.

june 30, 2014
and throwing up again.... just once this morning but still  :/
Joe is still banished in the bedroom.  His eye infection isn't bacterial,
 because the antibiotics didn't help, so by process of elimination it's a viral infection.
The dr today said he still probably has another 3-5 days before they are better. I sit.  We have already watch Peter Pan, part of Dumbo (we had to turn it off at the part where the mother gets taken away because it makes Taelin too sad), The Grinch that Stole Christmas and are now in the middle of the first Harry Potter.  Nap time will soon be coming. And at some point, I am hoping to get out of the house and take a walk.  July starts tomorrow...that would be a good time for everyone to get better right?

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sickness be gone. We are supposed to be having summer thank-you-very-much.

I am official over it. I am over the fevers and the vomit and the congestion and the piles of snotty tissues and the sadness and the crankiness and the exhaustion.  I am over it all.

Joe has been sick, then got better, and is now back in bed with two badly infected eyes and a fever.  I had a stomach bug over Father's Day weekend.  Taelin had a fever for 5 straight days with a lovely side of snot (the girl literally went through 7 boxes of tissues). She rallied for a few days and then woke up last night with an impressive display of vomit.  We were up all night.

Did I mention that my parents have been here since Wednesday morning?

My nerves are shot and I am exhausted. I felt like I didn't have a choice but to cancel my work trip with Joe sick.  Taelin got sick over the weekend we had reservations to go to Cannon Beach during their annual sand castle competition. She apologized for "ruining summer 'cause I know you really want to go" which I did and just broke my heart. Tomorrow is a graduation party for my cousin Scott's college graduation and my cousin Marissa's high school graduation.  I highly doubt we will be able to go.  Monday Taelin has a Tutu's and Tiara's class at her dance studio. Time will tell if we will make it.  My sister and brother in law are supposed to come for the 4th.  I honestly can't think that far ahead.

Right now I am in the living room getting ready for another night on the coach.  Joe has been banished to the bedroom with water, Advil, his antibiotic eye drops and the thermometer.  He has his phone and will surely text if he needs something.  Taelin's toddler bed mattress is lying in the front of me on the floor with a bucket next to it for hopefully no reason.  If the past nights are any indication of upcoming events, I will be more than likely watching Dora the Explorer around 2 a.m.

And....I am crying.  Typing all that out proved to be a bit overwhelming and an outlet all at the same time.

I don't "do" sick very well.  My "Jodie is a worrier" has over the past year developed into full blown anxiety when either Joe or Taelin is sick.  It is pretty much specific to being terrified that one of them will die.  I have heard too many stories and replayed personal experiences when it comes to sicknesses.  A simple, "Mama, my head hurts," gets my own head spinning and before you know it I am just sure that she has an inoperable brain tumor.  I know how ridiculous it sounds and I can talk myself down usually pretty good, but with this much sickness in a row, I am failing miserably right now.

I should just lay down right now, but I can't.  I need to sleep but if I lay down my brain will start spinning and I will work myself into a frenzy.  So, here I am.  After, I will probably turn on some horrible reality series on Netflix until I fall into a restless sleep, one ear always listening for Taelin.

So, that was fun and uplifting to read, wasn't it?  Sorry.

Hopefully the next post I write will be about a wonderful day we were able to have because everyone was feeling better.  We can all hope.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

A couple of weekends ago we went and stayed overnight in Pacific City in a cute little cabin with Joe's mom.  Right before we left, Taelin was begging to fly a kite.  We didn't have one but I am sure you wouldn't be surprised to learning that there were several for sale for the people like us that have a 5 year dying to fly a kite. Joe's mom picked one up and a half hour later declared that it was the best $5 she had ever spent.  Taelin didn't actually love the holding the kite part but was elated by the running below the kite and trying to figure out where is was going to land.  Joe and I took turns holding the kite and running after where is landed, which was more than a joy as we listened to Taelin's laughter.  

So, # 20 'Fly A Kite' is officially checked off the list.  And now that summer is here, I have few more things on the list that are working there way towards getting checked off too!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Photo A Day June 10-17

What a roller coaster of a week it has been!  I don't know why I am always so surprised how busy the end of the end is, but it has been!  Today was Taelin's last day of preschool and tomorrow our summer official starts!  I have a few things on the calendar but there is also a lot of unscheduled time which is what we are looking forward too!

june 10, 2014
cleaning and reorganizing the office was a huge job

june 11, 2014
a visit to the library...and a view of the mullet

june 12, 2014
this random cow was at the auditorium where Taelin's dance recital was.
 for some reason she insisted that she get her picture take after a 3 hour dress rehearsal

june 13, 2014
one of many pictures that Taelin painted for her cousin Lucy

june 14, 2014
the day of the recital finally arrived.  since there were two shows (one at noon and another at 4)
there was a lot of down time.  all the moms brought lots of stuff but after
 5 hours a new mom to backstage saved the day with her laptop and Frozen

june 15, 2014
this is the nicest picture that I can show of Father's Day.
I can't remember the last time I was that sick.

june 16, 2014
joe went to the store to get milk and chicken broth
and apparently chocolate chip cookies.

june 17, 2014
last day of preschool :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Garden 2014

We have planted a garden again this year in the 3 boxes we have and have expanded out beyond them a bit as well.  So far it is looking quite and except for the green beans everything is in!  We are growing a few new things this year and other than a few slugs, we have lots of green in the back yard.  Taelin was very excited to help with the picking out and planting.  She has also loved the watering but there are a lot of bugs back there and she is no so much into the bugs!

The strawberries have been producing more than
they ever have and they are so good!

Lots of tomatoes...2 cherry plants and 2 beefeaters

White onions...I think I am going to be able to
 harvest them and replant for more!

Tomatillos are new this year...I planted two and judging by the amount of flowers
you can see (and the ones you can't see, I am going to have WAY too many!)

The peas have been so good this year.  They are about done, which I think
is a good thing, because that zucchini is going to need a bit more room.

I only did one zuchinni plant this year because I had way more than
 I could use last year.  It was hard to even give it away by the end.
It's looking so good and we are looking forward to kabobs and bread very soon!

Another addition to the garden this year, is dill.  It was kind of
expensive last year when I made pickles so I planted some dill.

CORN!  I am most excited about this new addition!  Grilled corn is seriously
 one of my favorite things about summer.  Tucked in there as well is a pumpkin plant.
 Next year, those are both going on the top row of the retaining wall.

I cut the raspberries down last fall at the suggestion of someone who knows better than I.
They are coming back with a vengeance.  Joe built some trellis for it and while we probably
 won't get many berries this year, next year will be a banner crop, I hope!

We planted these blueberries last year and so fast they are doing well!

These aren't fruit or veggies but they are my favorite and I am so
 happy to have some in both the front and back yard!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Photo a Day June 1-9, 2014

It's June!  I am so excited for this summer!  Technically I still have 3 work days next week and a work trip to Chicago, but we have been "doing" summer whether the school calendar says we can or not.  BBQ's, beach trips, and ballet have filled our 9 days of June so far!  I am excited to see what the rest of June brings.  

june 1, 2014
my first attempt at grilling was amazing!

june 2, 2014
fantastic sunny day at the park with my favorite five year old

june 3, 2014
a good reminder courtesy of our local chinese restaurant

june 4, 2014
there is always a race for the purple vitamin at the end of the night

june 5, 2014
dress rehearsal day = happy girl

june 6, 2014
a day at the children's museum with one of
Taelin's favorite people...her cousin Lucy!

june 7, 2014
beach selfie

june 8, 2014
let's go fly a kite...her first kite!

june 9, 2014
that's a lot of ballerina's
on stage dress rehearsal...recital Saturday

Friday, June 6, 2014

Homemade Light Table...version 1.0

It has been a long while since I have blogged...almost a month.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that as summer comes along that my blogging time will increase.  I decided tonight that I just needed to blog something even if it doesn't have anything to do with anything.  So, here I am.  

One of the things I have always wanted to make Taelin was a light table.  If you were to buy a legit one like you would see in a good preschool/kindergarten room, you could easily start at plunking down $250.  I am not planning on plunking down that much for something like this, but after a trip we took to the Portland Children's museum a couple of weeks ago, I was reminded that it would be very cool to make something that is light table-like. 

The idea is a simple one really.  Having light shining up to change up the sensory experience in playing and learning with things are are even the least bit transulent.  One of Taelin's friends had these cool magnet tiles that are transparent and while being cool all on their own, are perfect for a light table.  Taelin had played with them at the Children's Museum a few weeks ago and I bought a set for her then. The light table though...I couldn't get my hands on one that, I made one.

I went and bought a plastic tub and flipped it upside down so that the bottom was now the table top. I grabbed an LED strip that Joe had bought for a home project that switched gears and was just now lying around.  I cut a little hole in the side of tub to slide the LED strip in, turned it on and viola!  For less than $25, we have a light table.  


The other day, she played for quite a while building with these tiles.  I think the thing I might add is a layer of parchment paper on the inside of the tub to diffuse the light a little bit. 

These tiles were definitely a splurge when I bought them and I am so glad that I did.  But...for other light table activities, I will be looking around the house for other things we could use.  One quick search on Pinterest resulted in a ton of great ideas that I will have to keep in the back of my head for an upcoming summer day when Taelin just needs a few minutes of down time.

Top 5 Friday: My Top 5 Favorite Maya Angelo quotes

I was so saddened when I woke to the news that Maya Angelo had passed away.  I never was lucky enough to hear her speak, but her written words are some of the most wonderfully inspiring words.  Here are my Top 5 Favorite quotes...

  • "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
  • “When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time."
  • “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” 
  • “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” 
  • “I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.” 

It was hard to pick 5...