Sunday, September 27, 2015

Do something today that your future self will thank you for! ~Unknown

I was chatting with a good friend about the transitions that were happening for me this fall and she wisely reminded me that new beginnings are a great time to establish new habits.  She is a very wise friend.

I thought about the idea of new habits and realized what I really wanted to do was get back to blogging.  I really have missed it.  I decided to take a peek to see if I remember how it all works.  Turns out I do!

So, I am back.  I have revised my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.  I think I am going to have to reset my complete date a little since I am have been ignoring it for so long.  I still have 84 things on my list so I think my new end date is going to be Dec 31, 2017.  That gives me 828 days (thank you google) to finish the 84 things left on my list.  84 things in 828 days.  Kind of has a nice ring to it.

There are a few things that are in the works that I will be able to check off rather quickly.  Fall has officially arrived and a fall bucket list with Taelin would be an easy one to tackle. I will be D-O-N-E with the classes I am taking by Thanksgiving.  I can start looking for some new recipes, pass on some books that I am done with and start writing gratitude posts every week.  I am already so happy to be here.

So, if you were a loyal reader that was wondering when the heck I was going to start blogging again, I am sorry I left you.  If you are a new reader, welcome to the ramblings.


  1. You have such a great list! I can't wait to hear how you complete your 84. Enjoy and write about it:)
