Wednesday, February 8, 2012

San Jose...a place to check things off!

I just got back from a work trip to San Jose.  It was a "symposium" that was hosted by New Teacher Center which is a non-profit organization whose work focuses on improving student achievement in schools through accelerating the effectiveness of classroom teachers.  Most of their work centers around mentoring beginning teachers and mentor programs that support those teachers and mentors.  I have been so fortunate to find a place in the mentor program in my district. The symposium was the annual conference for people that have done work with New Teacher Center to come learn from others that have done like work.

Through the funding of our state mentor grant, we were lucky enough to take our whole team.  The conference ran from Sunday morning through Tuesday afternoon.  After our last session on Tuesday afternoon, we pretty much went straight the airport to catch our flight home.  Even though we were really busy though, we did get some time Saturday afternoon since our flight got their early afternoon and we didn't have anything we had to do until 8 am Sunday.

Here are some of the things that I hope I will blog more about later...but wanted to at least list here so I could check them off...

New Restaurants...
There was breakfast and lunch provided at the conference, but we were on our own for dinner. Saturday night we ate at P.F. Changs and Monday night we ate at Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant. Both places were really good.  I do want to write more about these at a later time.

I started and finished The Help.  I read all the way to San Jose and every down minute after snuggling into my pj's for the next.  I LOVED the story...didn't like the ending.  Hopefully more on that another day.

On Monday evening we watching the documentary American Teacher.  If you want to find more information out you can go here.  If you want to watch the trailer, you can go here.  I will for sure be saying more about this on a later date.

Art Exhibit...
On Saturday afternoon, two of my co-workers were walking around trying to figure out what we wanted to do.  Our hotel was right next to the San Jose Museum of Art who just happen to be having a free community day.  We were able to see quite a few exhibits from different artists, as well as some bonus dance/music performances since it was a free community day.  There will be more on that later too!

That does check one thing completely off also adds to some of my sub-lists.  I will admit though because of this my weigh in didn't happen this week, nor have I been up on my word of the week.  I guess I have a few things to blog about...but until then I am going to wrap this up and go to bed.  Four days and three nights was a long time to be away from home and even though it was all great stuff, I missed Taelin horribly.  So, instead of going into more detail than I have in me, I am going to go down the hall and go to bed.  That way, I will have a lot of energy to hang out with my little girl (or at least more than I have right now).  So until that time....check, check, and CHECK!

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