Sunday, December 1, 2013

The List v 2.0...

Today marks the beginning of my new list!  A new 101 things to do (ok...there are two from the 1st list) and another 1001 days to get it done.  With a start date of today my 1001th day will be on August 28th, 2016. 


(If you aren't sure what I am talking about go check out  You might be inspired to start a list of your own!)

Like my last list, I have it listed on the right side of my blog.  I will bold each item as I finish it and if it is one in progress you will see it in italics

Wish me luck!

1. Actually do 20 of things that I have pinned on Pinterest
2. Attend a major league baseball game
3. Attend a sand castle building competition
4. Blog a gratitude post once a week
5. Build a snowman
6. Buy someone flowers
7. Collect 1/4 inch of sand from enough beaches to fill a cool bottle
8. Complete 25 writing prompts from
9. Complete a "Wreck This Journal"
10. Complete an online class
11. Complete the state quarter collection with Taelin
12. Cook 20 new vegetarian main dish recipes
13. Do a Lowes or Home Depot Kids Workshop
14. Do a nature scavenger hunt with Taelin
15. Do family board game night once a month
16. Don't eat fast food for one month
17. Donate blood
18. Donate to the food bank every month
19. Find 5 artists/bands and listen to their entire collection in chronological order
20. Fly a kite
21. Get a bike
22. Get to goal weight
23. Go golfing with Joe
24. Go grape stomping
25. Go horseback riding
26. Go on a cruise
27. Go sledding
28. Go through my closet and get rid of old clothes
29. Go to 5 new-to-me state parks
30. Go to a new-to-me musical
31. Go to a new-to-me National Park
32. Go white water rafting
33. Have a water balloon fight
34. Help build a house with Habitat for Humanity
35. Hike around Multnomah Falls
36. Host a cookie exchange
37. Host a Project 52 photo challenge
38. Kayak in 5 new places
39. Learn about investing
40. Learn Spanish
41. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
42. Light off fireworks...myself
43. Maintain goal weight
44. Make a dinner entirely from things purchased at a Farmer's Market
45. Make a fall bucket list with Taelin
46. Make a spring bucket list with Taelin
47. Make a summer bucket list with Taelin
48. Make a winter bucket list with Taelin
49. Make artisan bread
50. Make homemade salsa
51. Make homemade vanilla
52. Make krumkake at Christmas
53. Make marshmallows from scratch
54. Make rock candy
55. Meditate every day for 30 days
56. Participate in NaNoWriMo
57. Pay extra to the principal of our mortgage every month
58. Pick a fitness challenge and complete it
59. Plan a family road trip
60. Read 10 new children's books a month
61. Read 2 biographies of the same historical figure
62. Read 5 "classics" that I have never read
63. Read a book of poetry
64. Read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to Taelin
65. Refinish my grandparent's swing
66. Renew my CPR certification
67. Ride a ferry to an island
68. Run a 5K
69. Secret goal
70. See a new-t0-me ballet
71. See the lights at Peacock Lane
72. Send a secret to PostSecret
73. Send something to a publisher
74. Spend a spa day with my sister
75. Spend a weekend at Great Wolf Lodge
76. Start a tradition of a once a year sister's weekend
77. Surprise someone with an unexpected gift
78. Surprise Taelin with a day-of Disneyland trip
79. Take a class with Taelin
80. Take a photo of the same place once a month for a year
81. Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
82. Take a train somewhere
83. Take Taelin ice skating
84. Take Taelin to 5 different museums
85. Take Taelin whale watching
86. Teach Taelin to ride a bike
87. Try 10 new crockpot recipes
88. Try to make deep dish pizza like the kind I had in Chicago
89. Tye dye t-shirts with Taelin
90. Visit 5 different Farmer's Markets
91. Visit Mount St. Helens
92. Visit the Redwoods
93. Visit the Space Needle
94. Volunteer at a beach clean up
95. Volunteer for Earth Day
96. Watch all 10 seasons of Friends
97. Watch Blazing Saddles and eat fried chicken on June 8th
98. Watch Edward Norton's entire filmography
99. Work on a potter's wheel
100.Write a will
101. Write weekly "Top Five Friday" feature for blog

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