Monday, November 3, 2014

Time is making fools of us again. ~J.K. Rowling

Can it really be almost two months since I have written a blog post?  And even more since I have really "written" a post versus posting pictures.  I know the answer is yes because I can feel that I haven't been writing.  So much has happened and is happening and is going to happen that stealing a moment or two in order to sit down and write hasn't happened.

I am tired.  In some ways it is a very good tired.  Taelin is loving school for the most part and my schedule change has allowed me to be able to volunteer in her class once a week.  A week ago we arrived back home after spending 8 amazing days together in Disneyland.  I never get tired of spending time with Joe and Taelin...especially in Disneyland.  Halloween was a smashing success and there are many holiday traditions that I am looking forward to in the next 8 weeks.

But I am tired in some not so great ways too.  Work has been exhausting.  I absolutely love my work with my teachers but that is not where the majority of my time is being spent this year.  There have been more evenings full of work, late into the night.  My frustration with a system that is getting further and further away from what I believe learning and teaching is about grows by the week.  All of that is exhausting.

I remember writing before how this was going to be a year of change and I was right.  We are already making decisions about what school will look like for Taelin next year.  Those decisions are going to have a trickle down effect that will be welcome (I think) but will result in a some hard conversations and decisions in my career.  Change can be easier when is just a surface level on Monday instead of Thursday.  But when the change looks to your identity, who you see yourself as, it becomes a whole lot more scary.

So, I need to come here more.  Hopefully there are still a few of you around, willing to read my ramblings.  If there are, I promise I will be here later this week.

1 comment:

  1. Still here, my friend, and I have faith in your wisdom!
