Saturday, September 22, 2012

Henry's Sisters by Cathy Lamb

This book was a bit different than the blurb on Goodreads suggested.  The blurb was certainly was correct but I don't know that it prepared me for some of the dysfunction that was throughout the book among the three sisters and their mother.  Even though there were parts that I didn't really care for around that dysfunction, I liked the book a lot and raced through it pretty quickly.

This story centers around a family comprised of 3 sisters (all with their own issues because of how they grew up), 1 mother who at times I hated and other times I felt sorry for, 1 brother (Henry) who is mentally challenged but the one that everyone rallys around, and a grandmother that thinks she is Amelia Earhart.

All three sisters end up back in their home town in order to help take care of the family bakery, Henry and Amelia Earhart after the mother ends up needing surgery.  There was A LOT that happened in the story...almost too much at times to be believable...but as a reader I definitely went through a range of emotions.

The plot wasn't necessarily predictable but I wasn't really surprised as events unfolded and it ended pretty much the way I thought it would.  It was a great story though and I can't remember the last time I needed that many tissues at the end of a book.

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