Sunday, September 25, 2011

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham

Today, in between shucking more than 100 ears of corn, I decided to go for a run.  You know, like a put-on-tennis-shoes-and-go-faster-than-walking kind of a run.  Anyone that really knows me knows that never have I uttered the words, "I'm going to go for a run." That being said, those exact words came out of my mouth on purpose.

I have been thinking about starting running for awhile.  I have a few friends that run and they can't get enough of it.  I have looked into the Couch to 5K program a couple of times online..even going as far as to download an app for my phone, but have never started.  Finally, the other day I just decided that this weekend was going to be the weekend.

I decided I probably needed some new shoes since the last pair I got were over 2 years old.  While I was at it, I asked a friend for a good recommendation for sports bras to help support the girls.  I braved the local running store downtown and walked away a couple of hundred dollars poorer, but with a refreshing feeling that I might just be able to do it.  

And I did.  The Couch to 5K program is set out to help a person ease into it.  Today was week one, day one and I had a 5 minute walking warm up, with then 8 alternating 60 second run and 90 minute walk.  I stretched really well before I went outside with my wicking shirt and pants, and listening closely to Delores (the name of the lady that lives in my phone).  I ran when I was supposed to run and walked when I was supposed to walk. I didn't really feel like I was out of breath at any point nor did I want to quit.  How very strange.

We will see what the next few days brings, but I am excited at the possibilities of finding a new way to exercise. I am keeping hopeful and am lucky that I have Joe to not only encourage me to run, but is willing to juggle schedules to make it happen.  I am still in a bit of disbelief..I ran today.  On purpose.  And nothing was chasing me.

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