Wednesday, September 14, 2011

wheedle: to persuade or try to persuade by coaxing words, flattery, etc.

Let me introduce....Wordy Wednesdays!    One of the recent changes to my list included learning one new word a week.  My hope is that I can increase my own vocabulary and share some funny stories about my life, past or present, along the way.  I can't guarantee that every week's word will accompany a story, not because I don't have one but because I might not have it ready and it isn't necessarily part of the goal.  I really just want a chance to be able to write down the stories that float in and out of my brain and this would give me an avenue to do that. 

I also may eventually have to change my Wednesday to another day once my class starts in November but for now, I like how "Wordy Wednesday" sounds.  Because I am starting this whole thing almost 200 days into my 1001 days, I will at some point have to go back and make up for weeks gone by or I won't feel like I can really check it off at the end.

Anyway,  I am not doing a very good job of wheedling you into following my "Wordy Wednesday" with all my disorganization and lack of forethought, but I wanted to at least start thinking about how I would make this happen and I had to do something this week.  Hopefully my promise for a really good story next week will wheedle your wonderful, lovely selves to Wordy Wednesday a week from today.


  1. Super Like!!

    I was trying to figure out a way I could wheedle you into another weekly post that I can look forward to and count on!! I love the way you write and if I'm being honest then I have to tell you that I click on my little "Juggling Jodie" bookmark everyday. So now Wednesday's I'll get a treat!!!

  2. Me, too! Me, too!! I have decided that your word will be my word, too. :) Now I need to go out and wheedle someone!! :) I also suppose I need to make sure I use the grammatically correct form of the word, if I want to sound intelligent and all. :)

    Tina F.
