Friday, June 17, 2011

I am a lucky lady...

I am currently 1 hour into my summer vacation from the 2010-2011 school year.  Taelin is at her last day of daycare until next fall and I am taking today for myself.  After dropping her off, I came home and made myself an omelet, scheduled lunch with a friend and planned out the rest of my day...which will include brightly colored toenails, a new pair of shoes for my sister's wedding, blogging, yoga...and a nap.  There will definitely be a nap.

The headache that started last Saturday night has finally gone away after the close of the year yesterday and a good night's sleep.  It was a sadder ending than past school years as people turned in their keys and security badges, knowing they would not be getting them back in the fall.  I wrote many heartfelt notes to those I had to say goodbye and was tearful as I walked away from every school.  It was not a fun week and I am glad it is over.

But with all the sadness, I realized something wonderful as the week wore on.  I am a very lucky lady.  I am leaving this year with a sense of accomplishment.  I am leaving this year with new relationships formed and friendships cemented.  People thanked me for helping them and told me they couldn't have done it without me.  (I certainly think they could have, but I probably did make it easier for them...).  Those people made a huge difference in the lives of many children.   I am lucky that I had a job that was flexible for me to be the kind of mom and wife I strive to be.  I am lucky that I get to do it again next year.  Like I said, I am a lucky lady.

So now, I turn my attention to the summer.  As I finish this blog post, I am wondering if scheduled afternoon nap might turn into a mid-morning nap instead.  I am looking forward to spending time with Taelin, paying more attention to my list and my blog, my sister's wedding and our trip to Montana...and sunshine, hopefully lots and lots and lots of sunshine.


  1. I second that hope for sunshine!!! it's been raining for two months strait here... Montana's (and Montana) can't handle this much rain, everyone is depressed. I live here because of the constant sunshine... right about now Seattle is looking good.! :)

    Love you, call me today if you get a chance.

  2. Thanks for inviting ms to lunch!
