Sunday, October 21, 2012

Now THESE are some puddles!

Taelin has decided that she is going to be witch for Halloween and since I didn't keep up with the sewing skills I acquired in middle school, we had to purchase an outfit.  But Joe decided that a Taelin size broom needed to be made. We had a break in the rain on Saturday and headed down to Minto-Brown Park to see if we could find the makings for her broom.

I took advantage of the walk and the family outing to practice with some settings on the camera. We had a great time and because it had rained so much the day before, there were some HUGE puddles!  Because of our trial run after Monday's rain, Taelin and I had our boots on and were ready to go.

The face she made after Joe gave her a blackberry and told her there was an ant on it.
There was no ant and it was the end of her eating blackberries!

Me trying to convince her to let Joe take a picture of the two of us. 

No problem taking pictures with Daddy though...

Taelin's first attempt of taking a picture of us with Joe's phone.

And her second attempt! 


  1. Ok attempt 3 to get a comment.. Great pictures Jodie, with Taelin being a witch will you be Snow White? If so is Joe going as Prince Charming or a dwarf? You know which will get my vote, was there a sleepy dwarf? Love you Guys
