Monday, October 8, 2012

Photo-A-Day Oct 1-7

It is funny as I look at this week's photos and realize that every single one of the them is Taelin centered. Experiencing seasons (and their activities) through her eyes is something that I could have never fully imagined and am so incredibly thankful for.  The nights and mornings are a little cooler as we come into October but our days have been amazingly warm and sunny.  The leaves are turning all sorts of wonderful colors that Taelin is noticing as we drive around.  I am so thankful I am doing this project to chronicle our daily lives and capture the little things that make my life so great.  I already love having these pictures to tell our story and I can only imagine I will being more grateful for them as Taelin gets older.

oct 1, 2012
We were decorating and I was trying to explain that
haphazard-ness that sometimes looks nice.
She was having none of it.  All pointing the same way in a line.

oct 2, 2012
She has been very into telling/drawing/writing stories.
This particular one was about a wolf and a rabbit.
It didn't end well for the rabbit.

oct 3, 2012
Blowing bubbles in October!  We are loving this sunny days!

oct 4, 2012
She wanted to learn how to wash dishes.  Um...ok!

oct 5, 2012
Picking apples at a local orchard.
She filled her own 5 gallon bucket!

oct 6, 2012
I love this one.
She was walking out in a field at the pumpkin patch, eating an ear of roasted corn.

oct 7, 2012
Her first shape directed jack-o-lantern.
She wanted triangles and a happy smile.

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