Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Berry Pie

We are greatly enjoying our CSA box.  I am getting to try and use quite a few things that I haven't ever used.  We don't love it all, but I can say we are expanding our horizons.  A couple of weeks ago, along with the veggies were 8 pints of berries.  There were Marionberries and blackberries...and there were a lot of them.  My sister and Charlie were staying with us and I knew that some of them would just be eaten fresh, but even with two more people in the house, there was no way we were going to eat 8 pints.  So, I decided (at 10:00 at night) to make a berry pie.

I just used my trusty Betty Crocker cookbook...and I am a bit sad to say, a frozen pie crust.  I know how to make them from scratch, but did I mention it was really late to be making a pie?  Anyway, I followed with recipe exactly, except for adding the extra butter to the berries which I am sure would have added to the tastiness, but really wasn't necessary.

pastry for two-crust pie
1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
6 cups of berries

1. Heat oven to 425 degrees and prepare pastry. (In this case, I just had to thaw the crust.)
2.  Mix sugar, flour and cinnamon in a large bowl.  Stir in the berries.
3.  Pour berry mixture into the bottom pie crust and cover with the the other crust.  Cut slits in the top crust and seal the crusts together.
4.  Cover the edges of the pie with aluminum foil to prevent the edge from browning too much.  Remove the foil during the last 15 minutes of baking.
5. Bake 35-45 minutes until the crust is brown and the juices start to bubble up through the slits in the crust (or in this case, the edges that didn't get sealed as well as they should have).

I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the pie before it was dug into but it was quite pretty and Lorie, Charlie and Joe said it tasted good.  It was a great way to use some of the berries and have something sweet around the house.  I am not a huge pie fan so it was easy for me to pass on it but I was told it was good.  It is Betty can hardly go wrong there.

As for the rest of the berries, they got mashed up and are in the freezer waiting for me to have some time (and inclination) to make some freezer jam.  I have a tentative plan for that jam that will hopefully kill two birds with one stone if I can get my act together in the next couple of weeks!

Thank you Oregon for being such a delicious state to live in!

1 comment:

  1. You may not have gotten a picture of it, but Charlie made a good drawing of your tasty pie! I'll send it over when we get it scanned.
