Monday, November 26, 2012

Time is an old firmly rooted tree; we are the breeze rustling its leaves. ~Terri Guillemets

49 done
15 in progress
37 undone

365 days left

November 25, 2013 will be the last day of my 1001 days.  It seems reasonable that I stop for a bit and take stock at what is left, what I think will get done and what might not.  Of the 15 items on the list that are in progress I am hopeful that they will move to the done column by this time next year.  It is the 37 items that are not done that are what I am looking at a little more closely.

There are some that will be easily taken care of.  Buying a lottery ticket, paying for someone's Starbucks, playing bingo, cake decorating class...those are just a matter of scheduling or doing.

There are some that are already scheduled, we are going to Sunriver for New Years and are planning on going skiing, Christmas is coming so the gingerbread house is going to turn into a themed party (2 birds, 1 stone) and Taelin is going to have to share the Santa picture this year.

There are some that just aren't going to happen...kayaking in Hawaii (unless I win the lottery) or getting new bedroom furniture.  There are just some things that happened (kitchen remodel, back surgery, Disneyland) and there is just only so much money.  This is especially true with Joe's bank uncertainty.

And then there are those that I look at and just kind of don't want to do anymore.  Those honestly are the hardest ones for me think about.  At the time of making the list they sounded like a fun/cute/good idea but now I just feel like I want to spend my time differently.  Writing a fan letter, doing a word find, using chopsticks, juggling 3 balls....I suppose I could do them but they just don't sound super inviting.  Do I do them anyway or can I abandon them?  There are things that I have done that weren't on the list that I have been in the spirit of the list and in some ways I think that is more important.  The 100 snapshot photography challenge is a perfect example.  Put it on my list to make me take more pictures but I now find myself six months into a photo a day challenge that I never intended.  Still thinking on that...

One thing is for sure.  I am having a great time and I am looking forward to this next year.  There are some big things coming up this year!  A trip to Yellowstone Park, a drive in movie, a full day at the beach, and glass blowing just to name a few.  What a year it will be!


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