Sunday, January 8, 2012

“So many books, so little time.” ~ Frank Zappa

A week ago I was lucky enough to dedicate an entire day to scrapbooking with some friends.  We started talking about books we had read lately and I realized I had nothing to contribute.  One of my friends said, "You haven't had any books on your blog for awhile!"  and she is right.

It isn't that I haven't been reading.  I have been reading a lot...but they have just been books for work or more reference books that you don't ever really finish.  Here is some of what has been occupying my reading time...
The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of America's Most Imaginative Chefs
Not really a cook book...but kind of...but not really...
Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness
My attempt to better understand yoga poses
Comprehension Through Conversation: The Power of Purposeful Talk in the Reading Workshop
A book study that I am doing with some of the new teachers

You've Got to Reach Them to Teach Them: Hard Facts About the Soft Skills of Student Engagement
A book about increasing student engagement

Highly Engaged Classroom
Another book about engagement

So you see, I have been reading.  All of them all pretty good...for what they are.  None of them though I would call entertaining...informative, yes but not entertaining. 

This week though I dusted off the novel that I started back when Joe has his surgery.  And because that was the last time I read it and there was a kitchen remodel right after, I really did have to actually dust it off.  I read quite a bit Friday night before falling asleep. 
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (A Flavia de Luce Mystery, #1)
I mostly picked it because I couldn't help but love the title
So far it is is the first in the series and at this point I can't see me picking up the second one.  Like Frank Zappa says..."So many books, so little time.?"

And a little plug for any of you readers out there that might not have heard about it.... is one of my favorite websites out there.  It can help you keep track of books that you have read, books that you want to read, books that you are reading.  You can read review of books, browse can easily lose an hour or two if you wanted to.  It is free to join and they don't ask you for any personal information. I personally link it to my facebook because it made it easier for me to find "friends" (you can follow what other people are reading too) but you certainly could just do it for yourself.


1 comment:

  1. The "Flavor Bible" book is on my "wishlist" on Amazon. I love cookbooks. I read them like novels. Looking forward to seeing what other books you pick up in 2012. Take care!
