Wednesday, July 11, 2012

crepehanger: killjoy; someone who takes a pessimistic view of things

It is Wednesday, which means that I needed to blog about my new word for the week.  While I have been reading a book that has lots of new words, I haven't been very good at all about  keeping them somewhere I can reference later.  Most of them aren't words that I would ever use (unless I found myself at a Renaissance fair which is not on my list) so I am not really paying them a whole lot of attention once I have read them.

This lead me to just browsing around the Merriam-Webster website and an article titled "Top 10 Rare and Amusing Insults, Vol. 2" caught my eye.  Not that I am really looking to beef up my list of potential ways to insult someone, but I did think it funny that someone would actually write an article about it.  But it is a website dedicated to words so, maybe not so funny after all.

Anyway,  I thought this might be a good one to have in my pocket for the next time I get a great idea that someone else doesn't think is so great!  If you want to read the entire explanation of where is came from or want to take a look at the list for yourself, go here!

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