Sunday, April 10, 2011

E is for Eat, Pray, Love

I have avoided both this book and movie for awhile.  While is had some good reviews in some places, I had also heard that main character was kind of a whiny, spoiled brat.  I didn't really have much interest in reading or watching anything like that and with all there was out there, I just didn't bother.

Then Saturday night, I was upstairs organizing pictures and matching them to patterned paper, when I decided I needed something to watch in the background.  So, onto Netflix I went and new to Netflix instant watch it now was Eat, Pray, Love.  I decided to look no farther and if nothing else, if I hated it, it would give me something to blog about.

Let me first off say, that I completely understand why some people get the whiny, spoiled brat vibe.  Not many of us could imagine taking a month off from our life "to figure things out", much less an entire year.  But, I decided that if I was going to go that direction that what I was truly feeling was a tinge of jealously for someone that had the position to do that kind of thing.  There wasn't any harm in doing what she did; she had the money, wasn't abandoning children or a 9-5 job.  So...more power to her.

I have to say, for the most part I enjoyed it.  I can't think of a movie that I have seen with Julia Roberts that I haven't liked so I am sure that had something to do with me liking it.  It was fairly predictable in plot, but I kind of expected that so it didn't bother me.

After watching the movie, the thing that I thought about was the people that she met along her journey and how they impacted her.  She learned to be quite grateful for the people in her life and what she had learned from them.  I know for myself, I can get caught up in the craziness of my life and forget about the people that bring so much happiness and love into it.  I really am lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Two things, Elizabeth Gilbert has a TED talk on creativity that is really very interesting. it's about 18min and if you don't do TED you should start. :)

    also for you're K movie you should check out Kontroll. It's a movie on the Netflix instant view (or so I hear) and it's entirely set in the Budapest Underground... underground as in subway. The main character is part of the underground police (who I've had the unfortunate experience of running afoul of) and he goes on kind of a strange journey...

    It's a horizon expander.. also there's a teddy bear!! Fun fact! Budapest has the wolds oldest subway system.
