Monday, March 14, 2011

Rubik Cube...What the @#&$ was I thinking?!?

Last week I bought a Rubik cube.  It is number 68 on my complete a Rubik cube.  Let me rephrase that last sentence.  It was number 68 on my list...past tense.

I had Joe unpack it for me and do the mixing of the pristine six sided matchiness.  I had it for about two minutes, when I looked at Joe and said, "Why did I put this on my list?  I hate things like this."  I tried a few more minutes and then made a decision.  It is off the list.  This list is supposed to be about becoming a better person, looking for opportunities to live my life purposefully, taking the time to be kind to friends and strangers...this list is not for frustrating the crap out of me.

So, it is off the list.  It seemed liked a good idea at the time.  It was something other people had put on their list.  I don't know what I am going to replace it with yet....but when I figure it out, I will let you know!

1 comment:

  1. Jodie
    Don't take it off the list do what I did way back when they first came out - get a small screw driver pry out one piece - this allows you take all the others off and reassemble in the correct order - and tada you get to cross it off your list - see its a loophole no where on the list does it say complete without cheating :)
